Chapter 7

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Naomi POV

After eating I head back home and call Alexa to come over so that I can vent my frustrations out. I start to cook something to pass by time. I actually love to cook. I'm pretty sure I was going to be a professional cook if I didn't take the career path I took.

I hear Alexa come in the moment I finish putting the food on the table.

" Hey soon to be mom." Alexa says coming over to hug me after putting her things down.

" I don't think I'm ever going to get used to that." I say with a chuckle.

" Well you better because I'm going to be calling you that everyday until you give birth." She says sitting down at the small table filled with food. I sit down too and get ready to tell her about what happened earlier today

" About that. I don't know if I'm going to be here everyday for you to call me that." I say feeling a little guilty. Although I haven't made up my mind I know that I want my baby to grow up with both parents.

" What?! Is Mr. Baby Daddy trying to take you away from me?" She asks sarcastically, but in reality she hit it right on the nail.

" If you put it like that it makes me feel worse. I haven't even made up my mind yet. I don't know what I'm going to do." I say putting my head in my hands.

" Well how come your leaving? Why can't he come here and be with you? What does he do for you to need to go with him?" She asks shocked and frustrated.

" I don't know if I should tell you, but what's the harm in telling you what he does." I say in defeat.

" He can't be that important that he has to take away my best friend." She says with tears in her eyes. Me and Alexa are like sisters. We don't have siblings, so we count on each other like family. We go through ups and downs together. That's how it's been for years.

" Don't cry your gonna make me cry." I say my voice cracking.

" Just tell me what he does already, so I can plan on how I'm going to beat him up." She says seriously. I almost laugh at her because of how serious she looks when she says this.

" He does business. Like he owns his own business." I say.

" Okay, so why can't he come and be here with you?" She asks confused.

" Because he's supposedly this big shot and his HQ is in Japan." I say picking at the good in front of me.

" Give me his name so I can look him up." She says hurrying to get her phone out.

" Loc Hasegawa." I say waiting for her to type in in her phone. She starts to type but pauses.

" You said who?" She questions.

" I said Loc Hase..." I start.

" I heard exactly what you said I just don't believe what I'm hearing." She says shocked.

" I was shocked when I looked him up too." I say.

" Girl, how did you not realize that the man you slept with WAS THE FREAKING CEO?" She says going ballistic.

" I don't know. You know I don't use social media like that. I basically live under a rock." I say in an offended tone.

" Now I understand why he wants you to leave with him. But that still doesn't mean I'm not going to give him a piece of my mind." She says stuffing food in her mouth.

" Calm down. I haven't even made up my mind yet." I say.

" Yea but knowing you, you probably would want your baby to have both parents. You also probably don't want to be a troublesome baby momma and give him a hard time because you want to stay." She says knowing my very thoughts.

" If I didn't have my family and you here I probably would have went with him, but it's so hard to leave. Plus I've been working hard all these years just for everything to be handed to me on a silver platter." I say.

" That is true. One word to him and I'm sure he would handle all of your needs." She says.

" What do you think I should do?" I ask. She thinks quietly for a while before answering me thoughtfully.

" You should go with him. You want your baby to have both parents. And I'm sure it's hard for him to travel back and forth from here to Japan constantly. The only thing that's holding you back from going with him is the people you care about and the hard work you put in to survive." She says truly sounding like a therapist.

I sigh at her words. She's right.

I don't want to live like I just gave birth to a baby for him though.

Then there is his family. They would probably think I'm a disgrace because we barely even have any sort of relationship with each other.

" I don't want to leave you." I say.

" I can always visit. And when you come here we can spend some time together. I'll tell your family everything, so that you don't have to." She says holding my hands.

" I'll go then. If anything bad happens I'm going to blame it on you since you persuaded me to go." I say laughing.

" I'm ok with that. Come on let's eat this cold food first, then we will think about everything else later." She says digging into the food I cooked.



I was working on my work that I have been behind on when my phone dings telling me that I have a message.

I sigh at the thought that I might have even more work to do.

I look at my phone to see that it's not what I thought it was.

I smile graced my lips when I opened the message.

The beautiful woman who is soon to be the mother of my child has agreed to come with me back to Japan.

Hopefully all goes right.

I put my work to the side and go to sleep early so I can pick her up with me full of energy.

That night I had the best sleep ever.

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