5-Embarrassment is a social construct

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It was at this moment the door decided to open.

Of course I wasn't going to interrupt my singing of the high note even though I was standing on our island in just a bra.

I hit the note perfectly.

Go bitch.

I hear someone singing the words right after the high note at the top of their lungs.

"DOING IT RIGHT NO!" Someone sings.

It's a mans voice. And definitely not Aidens. I would know my brothers voice.

My head snaps downwards.

I see three men.

Three different reactions.

Kai Dalton is singing at the top of his lungs to Taylor Swift.

Aiden is cackling. He's never going to let me live this one down.

I see the third guy.

Ashton. AKA pretty boy. He just saw me singing and dancing on my kitchen island without a shirt.


I'm not wearing a shirt.

They probably see my fat.

Fuck fuckity fuck.

Ashton eyes trail over my body, raising his eyebrows.

He's probably judging me since I gave in today and had breakfast.

I clear my throat, feeling awkward.

Not because of the music. Or the dancing. Or the location.

Embarrassment isn't real. It's just a social concept. I tell myself this and try to listen to it.

How to make this less awkward for me?

"Put a shirt on." Aiden is glaring at Ashton who was staring at me. That actually made it less awkward.

Kai is still singing. Though now Ready for It is playing and he's dancing. We've all been ignoring him.

"There's no difference between wearing a bra and wearing a swim suit. Would you be fine if we were in a pool? I'll answer that for you, yes. So shut up and don't tell me what to do with my body." I snap back.

Kai stops singing. He looks at me.

"She fucking burned your ass. I mean she is right." Kai adds.

"Sorry." Aiden says to me, completely ignoring the other two.

"I forgive you. Maybe you should tell me next time you have two boys in our grade coming over."

"I didn't think you would be standing on the kitchen island, half naked, singing Taylor Swift." He counters.

"That's a good point. However I usually do some version of this anytime I'm not actively doing anything else so you shouldn't have been that surprised." I counter back.

"That's valid." He agrees with me for once in his life.

"Why are fuck boy and pretty boy over anyways?" I don't even think about what I call them in my head. This will bite me in the ass in about two seconds.

Aiden chokes on air. I don't know how that's possible but that sure is what it looks like.

"I would like to ask which one of us is fuck boy and which one of us is pretty boy." Kai joins the conversation looking very amused.

Ok I know embarrassment is a social construct but I feel like I deserve to be able to be embarrassed now.

"Um. I'm really not going to get out of this unscathed." I decide to just say what the hell.

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