17. emotional entanglements

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Ivy did not like how mushy she'd become. Sure she'd always been putty around Chastity but it was the kind of putty that came off as cool and collected. One that screamed, "We are gal pals!" One where, if they were to make a mark in history, they would be described as girlfriends who had sex but in a friend way like all homosexuals tend to do.

She was in the, "I need you," part of the relationship when this was the sin she could not partake.

It hadn't helped in the least bit that Chastity had come to work in a skirt and had whispered, by passing, that she had no underwear to speak of. That wicked girl of the trousers kingdom was walking in what could have only been described as insidious.

For a week, they had been fucking like rabbits. At some point, Ivy thought they were going to tire but they were gaining momentum. Twice she'd had to remind herself not to shout how desperately in love she was with Chastity lest it all stopped before the allotted time and also have the unfortunate consequence of losing her best friend.

Brent had even become sort of like a tolerable figure in the office. During one of their gossip sessions, Chastity had been quick to point out that he had a boyfriend – or a situation like it – but that had only dampened the jealousy by half a filled glass. It still reared its head whenever his face came to view.

It was during midmorning tea, as she thought through wicked ways to have a friend after work, that Pendo texted.

They've kicked me out. - P

Ivy felt her stomach drop.

Why? - I

I refuse to go back to school - P

Come to my place. Still have the keys? - I

She didn't answer for ten minutes and just when she was about to buckle and call, Pendo answered.

I was already there. Your fridge is empty btw - P

Ivy rolled her eyes. Why had she texted then if she had already commandered her flat? She went back to work - or something close to it.


Chastity was not vying for worst friend of the year but the way her mind kept floating in and out of the conversation was pushing her for the honour.

"...and then the ducks took it."

Ducks? "What?" she pushed herself to a better sitting position and looked critically at Brent. "What ducks? I thought we were talking about Ali."

"We were," Brent agreed, "but you were so out of it I had to bring you back."

"Sorry," she said sheepishly, "long night."

Brent snorted, sipping at his soda. "Does it have anything to do with that large mark on your collarbone?" Chastity looked down quickly. She was sure she had covered it properly. Brent laughed, hard. "Who is taking your nights away from you?"

Chastity could feel her face getting hotter. She had not had anyone to talk to about Ivy. Naturally, she never even wanted to talk about her sex partners with anyone save the occasional Ivy gossip but at that particular moment, it felt like she was pushing a boulder to remain quiet. She wanted to jump on rooftops and talk to anyone who would look her way just how fantastic shagging with Ivy was.

She waved him off. "We were trenches deep in Ali territory."

Brent moved forward. "Who we established had been cheating and that I am better off. Our conversations about him have gone into the realm of properly bitching about him. Let's get into your business. Maybe I'll feel better about laying everything on you."

She groaned and let her head drop into her hands. She closed her eyes and came to a quick resolve. "I... it's Ivy," she said quickly as she covered her face, hearing Brent's gasp.


She peeked through her fingers and found him smiling. "What?" she asked right back, dropping her hands. "I am a sexual woman. I have urges."

"But isn't she your best friend?" The waiter who had served them passed by, dropping their bill.

"I know," she said. Chastity was sure her voice had the tell-tale signs of annoyance.

Brent raised his hands, confirming that she had sounded snippy. "I'm not saying it's a bad thing – I'm just fascinated. When did it start?"

"Last week? Actually, I'd say the week before that but that one had been different. It was supposed to be a one-time thing and then it wasn't this week. Now it's become a one month thing and I think I don't like that."

It had been a secret she had not even wanted to face in her head.

"What don't you like about the situation?"

She got her wallet out and chucked a five hundred shilling note. Brent was mirroring her when she waved him off. "For not bitching properly about Ali earlier." He shrugged but didn't push.

They left the restaurant and Brent prompted again. "What don't you like? Don't think I've forgotten."

She'd been hoping that he had. "I think I want more but I don't know what that would entail."

He nodded sagely. "I could be useless here but, have you thought about talking to Ivy about this?"

She sighed as she kicked at a pebble. "I haven't given any thought to this until now if we are being honest. I don't even know how to broche the subject." She stopped at her tracks and put her hands akimbo. "'Hey, Ivy. I have realized I want to settle down. Stop with the flings and get on with the reals'?"

Brent laughed. "Maybe don't be corny. Just tell her you're having feelings and then move from there. What's the worst that can happen?"

She gulped. So many bad things could happen most of all... "We can stop being friends because I weirded her out with my feelings."

"Or you could end up discovering she shares the same feelings and you could go on coming to the office every day with marks everywhere."

She lightly slapped him on the arm. "You're very optimistic."

"Actually," she turned to look at him, "it has more to do with the murderous look she's throwing me right now. I don't think she likes me very much – at least, me hanging out with you."

She followed his gaze and sure enough, Ivy was looking their way, hands crossed over her chest and a strained smile playing on her face. Chastity wanted to laugh at the idea that she could be jealous of Brent.

"See you," he said as he left her behind, smiling at Ivy in passing. Her strained smile remained and Chastity laughed.

"What did he do to you?" she asked, slipping her arm into Ivy's and pushing her to walk back into the office building.

Ivy shrugged, following her lead. "I'm sorry but I just don't trust your friend."

"Is this that famed ego lawyers have when they meet someone just as good as them?"

Ivy laughed. "I see what you're doing."

"Is it working?" Ivy didn't answer. "Honestly, he's just a friend who needs a friend right now. Nothing more, nothing less. I am not going to let him be alone during this tragic time. Plus, he's kind of new to Nairobi and I have a big heart." Ivy snorted. "Hey!" Chastity called in affront. "I do have a big heart."

"Yeah, sure."

"So big in fact that," she moved to whisper into Ivy's ear, "I didn't wear any underwear so that it would be easier for you to give me heaven in that bathroom over there." She pointed away as Ivy missed a step. "See," she said looking at her friend with fantastic benefits, "positively philanthropic."

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