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Hello my Name is Andrew Christopherson.

People called me by Different Names from Andrew or Drew.

What I'm about to tell you is the Story of my Life from Childhood to Adulthood of 25 Years of my Life.

My Life Story will be not mostly be about Good Moments about my Life. It will be about some of my Good Moments and the Traumatic Moments in my Teenage Years and Adult Years.

I will not be putting the Names of People that I know, People that know me, People who associated with my Life and My Family to not cause any Drama and Personal Reasons.

Some of these Topics that I will be talking about in my Life Story maybe disturbing to some Readers. Topics in my Life Story are about Depression, Trauma, Mental Health, Psychology, Mild Autism, Psychological Abuse and Toxic Behavior. If you are Sensitive to these Topics I will be telling in my Story. I suggest you can stop reading and take a break before you continue reading my Life Story. 

After you are done reading my Life Story. 

Please do not cause any drama with my family or anyone after reading my story. Just Share my Life Story to anyone on Social Media. I want People to hear my Story.

My Life StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ