Chapter 70

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Sean and Amy went out to have lunch because Sean said he was extremely bored with staying indoors. While they had lunch, Sean told Amy about himself, what his life is like in New Jersey.

Amy was surprised to learn that Sean still lives with his grandparents, he must adore them so much. She was also impressed when he told her that he already runs his own insurance company. He wasn't so dumb after all.

When they finished their meals, Sean suggested that they take a walk in the park close to the restaurant they had lunch because he wanted to spend more time with Amy. Her voice was like music to his ears and her smile lights up his entire day. He wouldn't want to be anywhere except with her, that's why he had to lie about being bored when in reality, he was supposed to be on the phone with his PA, who would relate to him the affairs of the company in his absence.

He got them ice-cream from an ice-cream van as they made their way towards a bench in the park. They sat down and watched as kids played either with themselves or with their pets. This reminded Amy of Sean's dog.

"How is Bob?" She blurted out before she could stop herself.

'Why did that have to come out?' she mentally slapped herself for thinking towards that direction. She only hopes this doesn't awaken some old memories.

Amy pretended to be concentrating on her ice-cream when she felt Sean's gaze on her. Sean's eyes didn't leave Amy. He was shocked at her question. Even after all these years, she still remembers his dog. Now, he totally feels bad for not letting her get to know Bob.

"He died last year" he replied, returning his attention back to the playing kids.

The mention of his dog, his true best friend has taken him back to the horrible experience last year. Bob suddenly stopped being himself. He refused going out with Sean for walks, always lying around at home. What alarmed Sean was when Bob lost his appetite for not just food, but also water and started to vomit. He had rushed his dog to the veterinarian clinic, where he was told that his aged dog was dying. Sean didn't know what to do, or how to react to the news. He was sad and angry, all at the same time. He didn't know what to do without his dog. His vet doctor advised him to give Bob all the comfort and attention he needed at this crucial stage.

Although Sean still couldn't bear the thought of his companion dying, he still did as he was told. The last two weeks of Bob's life was the best and most painful one of Sean's. It will forever remain fresh in his heart.

"I'm sorry" Amy quietly said, entwining her fingers with Sean's.

She could tell, he was trying to hold back his emotions as he kept grinding his teeth. His bond with his dog was unique and beautiful, even she could see it from when they were little.

She gave his hand a light squeeze, to show him that he could find a friend in her. Sean forced a small smile and squeezed her hand back. Amy decided not to say anything, so they could both enjoy the silence. At this moment, that was the best decision for Sean's sake.

The drive back home was quiet, but comfortable. Amy was chatting away on her phone with Bryan, who she barely get to see these days because of work. He was still having problems with his shareholders, who were all pulling out their investments from the Brazil branch, due to some crisis the country is currently facing. They're scared of losing money, so Bryan is planning on making that branch a subsidiary of his company rather than abandoning it as suggested by the shareholders.

Although Amy hasn't told Bryan anything yet, she plans on becoming his partner in this subsidiary company because she sees what those shareholders can't see. If there's anything Bryan is great at, it's making money. She intends to tell him this when they meet this weekend.

Amy's giggles got Sean's attention. As much as he loved to see her smiling, he was a bit jealous that he wasn't the one bringing that smile to her face. Who was she chatting with? He wondered. Her undivided attention was on her phone, and is that adoration he sees in her eyes?

"Is that your boyfriend?" He couldn't help but ask, as his annoyance that someone else was making her this happy was eating him up.

The evident blush on Amy's face even before she could give him a reply already answers his question.

"Yeah... How did you know?" Amy replied with a shy smile.

"You were all giggles, so I figured, if it isn't a best friend which I doubt, then it's a boyfriend" Sean explained, trying his best to sound unaffected even though his tight grip on the steering wheel was showing otherwise.

"How long have you two been dating?" He further asked.

"Three years"

Sean couldn't believe it. Amy was in a relationship, a three years relationship to be precise. Just when he thought he had a chance.

How does he compete with a boyfriend of three years? Would he even call it a competition when the girl in question doesn't know about his feelings. This is so frustrating.

"What about you?... Got a girlfriend?" Amy's voice brought him back to earth, as he had totally forgotten that they were still on the road. Thank goodness the road was free.

"No... We broke up a while back" he plainly replied, concentrating on the road so that Amy doesn't catch on that he's upset.

"Oh. I'm sorry about that"

"It wasn't a big deal... We were both tired of each other"

"I'm sure you'll find the right one someday" Amy smiled encouragingly.

'I wish you knew I already have, and it's you' Sean thought to himself, not having the guts to say it out loud.

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