Chapter 79

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Several days after the dinner incident, when Amy was less agitated, she gave Sean a call and apologized for her behavior towards him the other day. She explained to him that she was really upset and had thought he had a hand in the engagement, that was why she lashed out at him. She asked if they could put that night's incident behind them and continue being friends.

Sean agreed to it immediately. He felt relieved knowing that Amy still wanted to talk to him after that night, even though he was sad about the part where she said they could continue being just friends. He was willing to wait and go as slow as she wanted, hoping that maybe one day Amy would give him a chance.

"Oh no. I'm not going in there" Amy said while shaking her head dismissively.

"C'mon. It's not that bad. It's actually fun" Sean replied. His eyes were bright and excited.

"For you, not me" she countered, not buying the idea at all. Her last experience was one she'd never forget.

Sean and Amy are currently seated in his white Range Rover that was parked outside a nightclub one week after the call. He was trying to convince Amy to go clubbing with him but she wasn't giving in, not after what happened to her three years ago.

"Okay, just this once. If you don't feel comfortable, say the word and we'll leave" Sean tried again with puppy eyes.

Amy was contemplating within herself whether or not to give in. The last time she heard that statement was when her best friend, Mandy convinced her to attend Jack's party and she didn't actually fulfill that promise. So, how will she believe it this time? Although Sean isn't Mandy, she can't help but doubt that he'll keep to his word.

"C'mon Amy, loosen up. You'll get the hang of it once you're inside"

"Are you forgetting that I have a boyfriend?"

"And you're supposed to be my fiancee" he teased, earning a glare from Amy.

"Sorry. I was only joking"

"If I go in with you, promise you won't make me drink" Amy said, to take precaution.

"Are you being serious? Not even a sip?" Sean asked in disbelief.

"Not even a sip" she confirmed with a nod.

"Fine then. Let's go"

Sean climbed out of his car and walked to the other side, to open the car door for Amy. Amy's hand suddenly became sweaty as Sean got out of the car.

'Why does she always let them win?' she wondered. She only hopes nothing goes wrong this time.

"Don't tell me you're already having a cold feet?" Sean's voice brought Amy back to reality. He was already holding the car door open for her.

She quietly shook her head in reply and climbed out of the car.

The loud music, smell of alcohol and sweaty bodies reminded Amy of that night, making her grow tense. Just as she was about to change her mind and turn around to leave, Sean's strong arm captured her waist, holding her firm.

"I'm right here" he whispered in her ear, as they made their way through the crowd.

Amy felt awkward about their current position because they've never stood so close to each other, not to mention Sean's hand being on any intimate part of her body. She shook off the awkwardness, telling herself that he was just trying to make her feel comfortable and relaxed, nothing more.

They got to the VIP section, where Sean introduced her to some of his new friends, as well as their girlfriends. The girls decided to get to know themselves better while the guys went to the bar to get some more drinks. When they returned, Sean asked Amy for a dance. She politely declined, but Sean and his friends had other plans. They began to tease Amy until she agreed to dance with Sean.

"I'm a terrible dance, just so you know" she jokingly warned.

"That's perfect cos I'm a good teacher" Sean replied with a smirk.

He then guided her through the sweaty crowd and stopped when he found a perfect spot for them. He began nodding and moving his feet to the music, urging her to do the same.

Amy just stood there, awkwardly rubbing her arm, feeling so out of place but that changed when Sean started making goofy faces. It helped put her at ease, and soon enough, she was also dancing to the music, this time she was fully aware of her surrounding.

Sean eased slowly towards Amy, closing the distance between them. He wrapped his arms securely around her small waist, as she swayed her hips to the music because he wanted to have even the smallest bodily contact with this sexy goddess before him.

'Now he's dancing' he mentally sighed contentedly.

Amy on the other hand stiffened the moment she felt Sean's strong arms around her waist.

"Don't think too much, we're just dancing... By the way, you're a great dancer" Sean huskily whispered in her ear, his lips touching her skin.

Rather than send good shivers down her spine, his action did the opposite because as soon as those words left his lips, she had a sudden flashback of that night. She took a deep breath and continued dancing, trying her best not to think too much about it, but that was difficult as Sean's hand started going lower. It was like he was in his own world.

In other not to seem anymore weird, Amy grabbed a drink from a passer by, with a polite apology and quickly emptied the glass, convincing herself that she was only imagining things. It burnt her throat and stung her eyes, causing them to tear up, but she could care less.

"Now, that's what I'm talking about. You're getting the hang of it faster than I thought" Sean yelled over the music with an accomplished smile.

'If only you knew' Amy thought to herself, as she tried to walk pass Sean, but she couldn't go far as he grabbed her by the hand.

"C'mon. Don't ruin the fun now" he said, bringing her close to his body in an intimate position.

"We're just getting started" his lips was almost touching hers, his arms holding her firmly in place, making it impossible for her to leave.

"I need to leave this place" Amy quietly said as she felt the need to throw up after having another flashback.

Sean's words kept reminding her of the night she desperately wanted to forget.

"Relax" Sean murmured against her neck, yearning to kiss her soft skin.

Although he promised to take things slow with her, he can't help but want to have her all to himself. To love her, to hold her, to kiss her, to feel her skin against his, to own her completely.

"Sean, stop" Amy kept saying, struggling from his grip as he placed open mouthed kisses on her neck.

How much did he drink? She wondered, when all her pleas fell on deaf ears.

'Please God, don't let this happen again'.

Not aware of what he was doing, Sean slowly trailed his lips on Amy's jawline, then to her chin, edging closer to her lips, but Amy stopped him before he could go any further by pushing him off her with much force and running out of the club.

Only when he made contact with the floor, did Sean realize what he did, causing him to hit himself severally.

Amy threw up her whole dinner as soon as she was outside the club.

Why does this always happen to her? Why her? She trusted Sean with her well being, yet this happened.

Without wasting any extra second, Amy stopped a cab and directed the driver to the one place she wanted to be.

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