Special Chapter

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4 years later.........

"Are you sure you're okay? You don't feel sick again?"

Kyojuro asked with worry visible in his handsome face. Hikaru chuckled in reassurance as she cupped her husband's face. She pecked his cheek.

"I promise I'm alright! So don't worry"

Despite his worry, he sighed in defeat. Hikaru has been feeling sick these days. She would sometimes rush out with the urge to vomit but nothing will come out. There are times when she would space out or faint for a second that Kyojuro always made sure to be there and prevent her from bumping into something. Most of all, Hikaru had been getting more cheerful as the day goes by which isn't a bad thing but the weird part is that she gets all friendly with everyone, even strangers. The calm and reserved Hikaru is slowly turning into an enthusiastic and sociable girl.

"Maybe we should let Shinobu check you up to be sure that there's nothing wrong with you"

He held her wife by her shoulder gently. The girl did nothing but nod to ease her husband's worry.


"Hikaru-chan congratulations! I'm so proud of you!"

Shinobu exclaimed in excitement making the couple tilt their head in confusion. Based on her reaction, Kyojuro took it as a good sign and it washed away his worries.

"What do you mean Shinobu? She's not sick or anything right?"

"She's not sick but....."

The former Insect Pillar sure likes to give suspense which is making the yellow haired man impatient of what will the results will be. Hikaru is not sick but what then?

Even Hikaru is silent and unlike her husband, she was calm and patient enough to anticipate what Shinobu is going to say. She's aware she's not feeling well the past few days and something is going on with her and she might have an idea on what is it but she's not fully sure.

"Hikaru-chan you should be careful of your body and health as of today because you're now carrying a life inside you"

Shinobu finally stated with a big smile.

Kyojuro heaved a relieved sigh now that he knows that Hikaru is nowhere sick or in danger.

"Oh I'm pregnant?"

Hikaru calmly asked but her eyes was shining with visible happiness. The man beside her was still in his little thoughts of her wife, not completely processing the bigger picture which made both girls chuckle at his slow process.

"Yup you'll be expecting a LITTLE Rengoku soon"

Shinobu even emphasized the word 'LITTLE RENGOKU' which solidly caught Kyojuro's attention, words from earlier had finally sunk unto him. He turned to his wife in surprise.

"I-I didn't hear it wrong right?"

He asked his wife for confirmation. The thought of having a baby with Hikaru had always been a dream of his the moment he asked for Hikaru's hand. His dream of marrying the woman he loves had already been achieved and now they'll be having a family of their own. Nothing can compare to what he's feeling right now. The feeling of joy and excitement ran through his body while he held his lovely wife's hand. His golden eyes tearing in happiness.

"We'll be having a child of our own Kyo-kun, I'm so happy"

Even the calm and reserved Hikaru began tearing up with the sight of his husband's crying face.

"Thank you, Thank you love!"

Shinobu just stayed quiet while smiling at the teary eyed couple. Wishing both the best.

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