13- Tawny

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Throughout the wedding ceremony, my eyes had a mind of their own. They kept shifting away from the bride and groom and over to the man sitting on the other side of Hannah-Ian-the one man who's been making sure to make my life as miserable as possible these last couple of weeks. Besides my father, I can't seem to get Ian off my mind, and I can't stop thinking or dreaming about him.

I tried being discreet about looking over at Ian, but it seemed like every time I looked at Ian out of the corner of my eye, I'd catch both him and the guy sitting next to Ian eyeing me. And not only would the guy next to Ian wink and smirk at me, but Ian was, too.

I wasn't sure who the guy next to Ian was, but because of how he's sitting between Ian and Ian's mother, how he looks similar to Ian, and how he's just as handsome as Ian, I'm going to assume it's Hannah and Ian's brother. The thing is, the more I look at him, the more familiar he seems to me.

Curious as to who he was, I leaned to Hannah's ear, quietly asking, "Who's the guy sitting next to Ian? Is that your other brother?"

"He is," she whispered. "That's my brother Arnie. Why?"

My eyes slowly flickered up, hoping to catch another glimpse of him. "Because I've seen him before, I'm just not sure where," I whispered, quickly looking away from them and over to the bride and groom the second I saw their eyes lock on mine.

Hannah leaned to my ear, whispering, "Arnie lives in Minneapolis. Since you're also from there, maybe you two crossed paths at one point."

"Yeah, maybe..."

With all the different jobs I've had since coming home from college, I suppose seeing him at one of them could be very well possible. The only thing is, I remember Hannah mentioning he worked for Ian. And the only place of Ian's I've been to is the resort.

I didn't feel like racking my brain over something as petty such as that, especially during one of the most beautiful moments of a wedding, and shrugged it off while focusing back on the lovely couple saying their sacred vows. Although, while listening to their I do's, I found myself eying the most spectacular cathedral I've ever been in, and one I've always been curious to see. The interior walls displaying black and gold marble, the beautiful stained glass and rose-colored windows catching the natural light-lighting the area beautifully, along with the gorgeous bronze grills surrounding the altar, and the angels resting on the pillars, had me sitting here in awe. It also kept my mind from thinking about Ian.

The moment the ceremony ended and the newlyweds exited the sanctuary, I, too, was quick to leave the area and headed outside to get some air, avoid Ian, and walk around the churchyard gardens.

As I stood outside, looking up at the sky and watching the clouds roll in, my breathing hitched and the hairs on my arms stood tall when someone approached me from behind and leaned over my shoulder, their hot breath fanning my skin as he said, "You're really fucking stunning, you know that?"

At first, I thought it was Ian, but then realized it wasn't his voice and turned around. It wasn't Ian; it was another man I had seen Ian talking to before the wedding started, one of the groomsmen. Feeling flattered, I smiled, politely saying, "Thank you."

"You're very welcome," he nodded, smirking. Then extended his hand towards me. "I'm Wyatt, and you are?"

I shook his hand. "Tawny."

With a curious look in his eye, he asked, "I've never seen you before. Who are you here with?"

"Hannah Lockwood. Her boyfriend had something else to attend to, so she brought me as her plus one."

His lips curved upward, smiling widely. "Ah, my beautiful and very outspoken cousin Hannah." His eyes wandered away from mine, looking around behind me. "Where is she, anyway? I haven't seen her in months."

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