27| Life

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I woke up with my mothers dress clutched to my chest. I held it and smelt it for a while before I decided it was time to get up. The past two days I've been sleeping with her dress. It seems to be the only thing comforting me.

"Are you ready to apologise to Amber?," Isla asked as she narrowed her eyes at me. I didn't answer her.

"What are you doing here?," I asked her.

"Checking up on you," she stated. "Now are you gonna tell me what the fuck happened two days ago?"

"Thought you already knew," I shrugged as I sat on the couch with my bowl of breakfast in my hands.

"She called me that night. She was crying. She was saying that you attacked her," she told me as she sat next to me.

"Let me guess," I told her. "She told you that it's my fault and that she did nothing." She stayed silent.

"I know you wouldn't have attacked her without any reason."

"I knew she was a bitch when I first met her," I growled out.

"I've known her since your brother met her," Isla told me.

"So?," I said. "That doesn't mean anything."She rolled her eyes. "Have you seen Olivia?" She shook her head, no.


I shrugged my shoulders. "I haven't seen much of her since I got back."

"She's probably really busy," she mumbled. I nodded my head.

"I still can't believe that stupid bitch!," I hissed out. "Like what the fuck was she playing at?" Isla hummed in response as she rubbed her swollen belly.

Werewolf pregnancies tend to last around 4 - 5 months depending on your rank in the pack. Alpha babies are born within three months. Beta and Gamma babies are born within 4 months. The rest of the pack is 5 or more months.

I didn't realise I stopped talking and was staring at her belly. "What?," she asked, snapping me out of my trance.

"I wasn't there for you or for Toby," I told her. She let out a sigh.

"I've told you-," she began to say before I cut her off.

"I know," I sighed out. "But I promise that I'll be there for this little one." She gave me a small smile. After a couple of hours, she decided it was time to go home.


I sat on my bed and suddenly realised that I haven't seen Grayson at all today. My phone rang. I quickly answered. "Dad?," I said.

"Alana," he sighed out weakly. "I-I need to talk to you. I know that you and Amber aren't on the best of terms so I'll tell you over the phone."

"Okay," I said slowly.

"I love you so much but I can't bear this pain much longer," he said. "Your mother is my everything and without her I have no reason to live."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I knew it was coming but I didn't think it'd be this soon.

"My wolf is dying. He's on the brink of death. We both are." I sniffled. "Alana, please don't cry. This was bound to happen. A werewolf can't live without his soulmate."

Sometimes a werewolf can. It's rare but it can happen. A werewolf can survive after his mate has passed but sometimes they can go crazy. They can become cold blooded murders.

"I understand," I told him. "What did the pack doctor say?"

"Matter of hours," he coughed out. "Don't even think about it." I let out a sigh. "It'll take you too long to get here."

"But dad-," I said my voice wavering. He coughed cutting me off.

"Promise me you'll look after yourself," he said hoarsely. I nodded my head before realising he can't see me.

"I promise."

"I love you."

"I love you too," I said. I stayed on the phone for a couple more moments. He was silent. A word wasn't uttered between the two of us.

"Dad?" I couldn't hear him breathing. I couldn't hear him coughing. When I heard Liam and Amber scream and cry in the background, I knew he left this world.


Grayson sat with me in the car. I feel like since my moms funeral I haven't really seen much of him. I turned my head from the front to gaze out of the window.

Today was my dads funeral. Both of my parents, my saviours, have left me. They've left this world.

I closed my eyes as a tear slipped out. Soon I fell asleep.

"Where the fuck am I?," I said loudly, not expecting an answer.

"Language dear," someone said. I turned around and she grabbed my face with her hands and touched my forehead before I could get a good look at her. All the past conversations we've had flooded my mind.

"Moon goddess," I breathed. She nodded her head. "Why?" I was asking why my parents were taken from me.

"Your decision decides yours and others fates," she announced. My decision? To accept Grayson's rejection or not.

"I-I haven't chosen yet!," I panicked.

"Yes you have," she said softly. "Your heart chose for you."

"Well it doesn't know what it's talking about," I told her.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Your heart knows that you love him. You wouldn't have been able to live without him."

"So my parents died because of me?," I asked her. She shook her head, no.

"They died because of him," she said. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Who's the 'he'? She touched my head and images of a man I recognise filled my mind. "He killed them."

I stayed silent as the possible future played out in my head. I watched as he carried a crying baby wrapped in a blue blanket in his arms. He ran for hours. Suddenly, time was fast forwarded and Grayson and I stood face to face with him.

Why am I there?

Before I could see what happened next, the images stopped. "W-What was happening?," I asked her.

"Your enemy decided to strike," she told me. "I'll see you soon." She touched my head and I was completely enveloped in darkness.

What just happened?


Grayson was quiet as he laid next to me. We've barely spoken since my moms funeral which might've brought things up for him from his past. I stared at the stars in the night sky thinking about everything and trying to ignore the extra car parked behind Grays filled with warriors.

"I choose you," I spoke softly.


"I choose you," I repeated. "You're stuck with me for life."

"Really?," he asked. I nodded my head.

"You've really changed. You've been my rock and without you, I probably wouldn't have been able to survive everything. You've been here for me more than you ever have been. So thank you for being here for me and thank you for changing."

"You don't need to thank me. It's what a mate does. I'm glad I've been here with you through this instead of you doing it on your own."

I gave him a small smile before fully turning my attention onto the sky. The sky at night really is beautiful.

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