36| Somebodys Mom

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"I can't believe you wanted to shave," Grayson said displeased. I narrowed my eyes at him. "I can't believe you made me shave for you."

"I did what I had to do," I hissed out as I squeezed his hand tightly. He let out a small wince as a wave of pain hit me.


As soon as the pain came, it disappeared. "If you have a problem with me wanting to shave before pushing a baby out of me then keep it to yourself."

He stayed silent knowing that I'm on the edge of exploding in anger. "Why can't it be you that pushes a human out?," I gasped out as another wave hit me. This one came quicker than the last one. "You don't go through any pain but women do. We have periods every single fucking month, not to mention heat."

"Save your breath," Gray mumbled as he rushed me into the pack hospital.

"I'm not dying dumbass," I rolled my eyes and sat down in the wheelchair they rolled over. I was wheeled to a room.

Once the pack doctor checked me, I was informed that my child was ready to meet me and the world.

Time to push.

I let out a loud yell as I started to push. Little did I know that it was gonna get a whole lot harder.


"You can do it," Gray encouraged me. I slowly shook my head before throwing it back. Gray wiped away wet hair strands from my sweaty face.

"I can't," I whimpered. "I'm tired."

"Come on," he said softly. "One little push for a whole lifetime of happiness."

"You can do it," the doctor motivated me. "One little push."

With all the strength I could muster up, I gave one final push. Soft cries filled the room. I threw my head back and closed my eyes, feeling relieved.

"It's a boy!," the doctor announced.

"We did it," I mumbled as Gray kissed my forehead.

"No, you did it," he said with a heartwarming smile as his eyes glimmered in happiness. The doctor checked the baby before wrapping him in a blanket and slowly putting him in my arms.

He was utterly adorable. His chubby cheeks made me want to squeeze them. His beautiful brown eyes that match mine stared up at me. I gave him a soft smile even though I knew he couldn't see me.

Grayson stared down at our child in my arms. "Hunter Knight," he stated.

"Hunter," I said testing the name on my tongue. I tilted my head to the side and looked at him. He definitely looks like one.

"Hunter Knight," I said sounding more certain. "I love it."

"We're a family now, huh?," Gray asked. "A real family."

"Yeah," I whispered. I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. "It's so unreal," I told him. "One minute he was inside me and now he's finally in my arms."

"It's amazing," he said honestly. "You are so strong."

"Obviously I am, I've had to put up with you," I chuckled. He narrowed his eyes at me. "Do you wanna hold him?" I know that he's been feeling scared probably because he believes that he won't be a good father. I know that he'll be an amazing one.

I slowly moved my arms towards him, gently passing the baby to him. He held him awkwardly like he's afraid. His arms tensed. "Relax," I told him as the baby started to fuss. Slowly, his arms began to relax. "Bring him closer to you. He's not gonna bite." He listened. Soon, the baby was sleeping soundly in his arms.

"See you're a natural," I told him as I watched the two of them with a small smile on my face.

Never did I ever think that this is where I'd end up, with a baby and Gray by my side. It's crazy. Hearing his first cry made me realise that it's real. He's real. And I'm a mother. I'm somebody's mom. My sons mom. I'm not only caring for myself but for him too.

Fear. That's something that every mother has experienced. Even though I've only been a mom for about a minute, I've felt and feel fear. I'm afraid of motherhood. I know that it'll be an amazing experience with a hell of a lot of ups and downs but I won't be alone and that's what makes me feel less afraid.


It's been a week and we're still in the hospital. The doctors were concerned about Hunter so we had to stay a little while longer.

I watched from the bed as Gray held Hunter to his bare chest. It was a beautiful sight to see. Gray has been sleeping here every night and he's stayed here all day. He's had people bring clothes and stuff.

I slowly got out of the bed and waddled around the room. I still can't walk properly even with my werewolf healing. I swear he broke my vagina on the way out.

"I can't wait to start the rest of our lives together," I heard Grayson say. "Maybe you'll get a sibling or two."

"Not anytime soon," I muttered.

Our close friends have come to see him and that's it. Pack members have been wanting to see him but obviously know that they can't come to the hospital.

The pack is huge. There's at least 1000 people in it.

We've been getting flowers and gifts everyday. It's amazing to see how much people love and are excited to see him already.

"Alpha, Luna, I'm pleased to say that you're being discharged. You're free to go home. But remember to take it easy," the doctor said as he walked into the room.

"Don't worry I will," I promised him. He nodded his head and left, probably to get the paperwork. I let out a squeal. "I can't wait to see the nursery!"

And shift.

Gray gave a nervous smile. "I already know that I'll love it," I told him. He nodded his head and put the baby in his little bed.

Ten minutes later, we were ready to leave. It felt so surreal as we left the hospital with our baby in our arms. We were finally a family.

A small beautiful family.

Third persons PoV
I watched Alana and her mate playing happy families with their pup from afar. It made me sick. Alana was undoubtedly beautiful and if she had rejected her mate all of what's to come could've been avoided.

I've watched day in and day out as she threw my gifts in the trash. Ungrateful bitch. If I wanted to, I could've thrown her mothers head through her bedroom window, but I didn't because I'm a civilised person.

Alpha Grayson|✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें