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Humans are strange, despite being the most advanced species on Earth they die to the simplest of things. I once saw a Male human walk in front of a fast-moving vehicle and spat on the pavement because he was in a rush. He doesn't stand along in this category but it's strange, to say the least. My people never died in such unnecessary ways. Humans cause war, destruction,  famine, and death for no good reason. It's downright odd, to be honest. They have everything they need to live together with not a problem in sight but choose to make problems. They even kill the planet they live on, I mean they are parasitic to themselves. This all said they don't deserve The Corrupt Angels. This is what humans would call them in English. Despite how many books you read they do not look like fallen angel bad boys you like to get in your pants. They are grotesque creatures with multiple limbs, tentacles and pulsing inside out flesh and many teeth that would love you for dinner. They don't all look the same but they are not too pretty to look at. 

To give you an idea of what they do, well I was hunting one that stuck into a hospital and cleared out the nursery room. Sticking a sharp claw the baby and popping it into its mouth before slowly chewing them one by one. Some were more unlucky than others. There was a suction tentacle stuck to the top of the undeveloped head of the baby. As it began to feed all it did was simply suck everything inside through its head to it was an empty sack of skin and bones tossing it to the side. It was a shame so many died but you can rest easy that I killed it and turned it into a sugar cube of blood and flesh. That was just one of the many you can come across every day in your life and not know it. To a human, they are completely invisible, even in death. Given this fact If you ever were running outside say on a trail and suddenly tripped with. No warning, consider yourselves luckily. 

That's why my kind is here,  how about I tell you what we are. Simply, aliens, we are shadow beings naturally but once coming here we had to take out a body of a human and call it home. Mine has been dead for a while in Germany. Once I took over the fresh disease I went to the USA. Why there, I was told there are the best human women there and well I was young at the time. I think 1000 years old, so I saw what human insides felt like if you get what I mean. Don't worry now I'm 4638 years old. Traveling through a wormhole does that to my kind. A few things to know about the year 2021 August 20th. So I'm not in the past or future but the present day. Most importantly my human body doesn't expire, I'm not walking around looking like what you call a zombie. my limbs are rotting off my body mags crawling out of everything. Instead when my kind takes over a body or rather a vessel. We are that vessel, everything we had before entering the body we still have. Being shadows on a low gravity planet like earth. You could say we are superhumans. We can lift tons with our fingers and not bat an eye. We can jump much higher than anything on this planet and we have our assigned powers as well. 

"What is the assigned power?" 

Well, simple human, we come from a planet where we have this organization like your governments that are galactical peacekeepers. Meaning where bad creatures or intelligent species live, we are sent to eliminate such kinds to make peace. Earth is a hot spot for such kinds of people. Due to how easy it is to hide there from humans. A lot of bad things happen there. For the power side of things, it's a birthright. If your parents had powers then you are naturally given those powers. Which is if you are a person on my planet with amazing abilities then you are officially a stud or hot mama I believe is the correct term. For my powers, well, I am very desirable. I have mind-bending and regeneration. To make it easy for you to understand well, I can change objects or living things with my mind. This brings up a funny story of the time I came across a magician. 

So there I was still learning English with fake IDs and other official documents getting I eyeful of New York. Street performers were my new favorite humans at the time. At the time I thought they were doing mating rituals by showing off their Raw powers. They didn't exactly have anything too amazing; some beat on an old everyday object while others sang and played instruments. One stuck out to me though, a young female in her mid-20s was showing other humans magic but at the time I believed it to be mind-bending. So seeing her turn a bouquet into doves as they flew away. I was excited to show my powers. I grabbed a manned coat and stood next to her as he yelled to give it back. I waved the coat in front of me and made an old oak chair appear using the air. The crowd gasped. I placed my hand on the chair as I threw the coat back at the man. I lifted myself into the air by the back of the chair. I began to make the chair slowly turn into butterflies as thousands of them blocked the view between me and the crowd around. I changed my whole outfit by rubbing my hands along the fabric I wore. 

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