the calm before the storm

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Have you ever heard the phrase "The Calm Before The Storm"? If not, then let me explain. It means everything can suddenly get quiet and in the blink of an eye, everything is destroyed or taken away. Another way to explain this is when you're walking in the woods and enjoying yourself until you notice all the birds and bugs go quiet. This is when you notice a 20-foot-tall humanoid being had appeared and was about to feast upon you. Well, that took an odd turn, but in all honesty, for the event, I am going to recall that wouldn't be the oddest thing you have read here today. My name is Jack Wiginton, and 3 years ago I used to be as clueless as you right now. Unaware of the true danger in this world, unaware that each breath I take is for granted. I would understand if you think this is some made-up story for your entertainment. I can promise you natural disasters are not caused by mother nature, but it's a cover-up for what truly causes the damage. Colossal beings with the sole promise to wipe out mankind as a whole.

I know what you're thinking. This is some made-up shit like the flat earthers. In a way, yes, but it is very complicated and I'll try my best to explain it. The Colossal beings have been around since the dawn of time far as I can tell. They are the ones that allowed life to survive after the dinosaurs were wiped out. Unaware of the mistake they made by allowing us humans to evolve into what we are. They now are trying to rectify the mistake, by wiping us out. This Colossal being varies in size and form. Maybe one is a skyscraper size spider crocodile mix or is a 4 story building size monster baby with several arms and hands. That damn demon baby still haunts me. Back to the damage, they cause, well it is the weather that causes the damage but they control the weather. Like I said it's hard to explain. Imagine an EF1 Tornado. That is being controlled by an invisible demon baby that very very few can see. That's basically what they do, the bigger they are the bigger the storm. Now if you think more about this you would think "why does the storm stop if they are being controlled?'' Well if you kill the one controlling the storm then the storm will die. So say you send the demon baby back to the mutated womb it came from, and the EF1 Tornado will stop.

That's the basic way to explain it, each Colossal matches the weather it controls. Not all the time but for the most part. So let's say for example a Colossal bird would most likely control a hurricane because its wings would produce strong winds. The crazier the storm, the more disturbing the Colossal control it will look. The worst one I have seen to this day was the 2010 Haiti earthquake. The Colossal was maybe 80 feet tall and looked like a troll. Big tusks coming from its mouth and a face covered in many eyes all didn't have shapes and sizes. At the time I was 4 so when I saw it I asked my mom what movie it was because there shouldn't be an 80-foot-tall beast destroying buildings in real life. She looked at me strangely and said "this is an earthquake overseas." I was more puzzled than before and said "why is there a massive monster then if this is real?" She took a double look at the video and said "what monster honey?" I pointed at the spot the beast towered over the destroyed city. Seeing the puzzled look on her face I simply dropped it and said "Haha I got you!" She chuckled and said, "I knew you were making it up!" Yet I didn't see the Colossal in the video. This was not the only Colossal I have seen but it is the biggest in height. Hurricanes are normally bird-like Colossals, floods or tsunamis are sea life Colossals, volcanoes are normally like elemental golems, the list goes on and on. Almost every day these Colossals appear all over the world and are killed when possible. This brings me to the reason all humans are not dead yet. Oni, no, not the ghost in phasmophobia. I'm talking about the type of demons that tortures the wicked in hell. Well, somehow they are not in hell but on the earth walking among humans. They could be your father or your neighbor and you wouldn't know unless you're the very select few that can see their true form which makes them a target of the Colossal and Oni. So it's for the best to keep it to yourself if you see Either one of them. At least that's how I survived till now, I'm not perfect and I found out the hard way it's best to keep quiet when you see them. This happens to be where I will start my story, The time I didn't follow my own rules.

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