Chapter 15: Betrayal

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I wish I saw it coming

Arya's POV:

I glared in the darkness, silently plotting ways to brutally murder the boys once I got out.

After a few minutes, those fu*king idiots duct-taped my mouth shut, then placed a bag over my head. 'To sell the act' they said. They even tied my hands together.

"We're here." Isaac mumbled. "Lights, Camera, Action. Start acting, Ree."

I took a deep breath and started struggling, even fake-crying to really sell it. The boys were bloody good actors- they shoved me along when I walked and passed comments on how annoying I was. I hope- for their sake- it's an act.

Soon, one of them pulled me to a stop. Whoever it was lightly squeezed my upper arm reassuringly.

"Gentlemen... what have you brought me?" Gio Mantennii's disgusting voice reached my ears. I wanted nothing more than beat him up with a Gucci flip-flop.

"Arya McKenzie." Isaac stated in a monotone, pushing me down to my knees. He dramatically lifted the bag from my head and I tilted my gaze upwards, staring at Gio Mantennii in the eyes. I realised we were in an abandoned parking garage- where people get murdered in horror movies.

He harshly ripped off the tape and I winced, turning my head to the side.

"'Sup." I jerked my head. "It's not nice to meet you."

"Shut up Arya." Ethan snapped. "I'm sick of hearing your voice whine on for the past few weeks."

"Boys." Mantennii said, his voice dangerously soft. "Through a microphone I placed in your home, I found out that you have actually been helping Miss McKenzie here."

"It was all an act, Sir." Nick shrugged. "When we first found her, she saw us kill. So, we decided to bring her to our safehouse and deal with her later. But then, we heard about the reward money for bringing her here."

"It was all an act, you see, to get her to trust us." Isaac continued. "Even now, we pretended to be helping her. We said that we'd rescue her from you guys before her wedding." What? This isn't part of the plan...

Isaac's gaze settled on me; his blue eyes filled with disdain as he snarled. "And like the naïve idiot she is, she actually fell for it."

My heart plummeted and horror filled me. Tears sprung to my eyes and I hastily blinked them away- I would not allow them to see me weak. "You b**tards." I spat out, venom filling my voice.

Ethan laughed coldly. "What? You actually thought we cared about you? Liked you? Thought we were your friends?"

Ki- Christopher knelt down next to me and yanked my hair back, looking at me with mock sadness. "Aw.. is little Arya sad? Betrayal hurts, doesn't it? Especially when it's from your friends."

I was breathing heavily, anger coursing through me. I spat on him. Hands lifted me up from behind and I thrashed and squirmed, refusing to go down without a fight.

"I HATE YOU!" I screamed. "I HATE YOU! I F*CKING TRUSTED YOU!" A cloth was placed over my nose tightly. I held my breath for as long as I could, before I finally had to breathe in the chloroform.

Black spots swarmed my vision and I barely had time to raise my middle finger to the boys before I passed out.



Once Arya had passed out, Mantennii turned to us.

"I'm sorry I doubted you boys." He said solemnly. He took out a thick, yellow envelope from the inside pocket of his black coat, and tossed it to Isaac, who caught it. "The money is in there. It was a pleasure doing business with you again." He nodded and turned, stepping into the red car behind him.

Once he was gone, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "That was the hardest thing I've ever had to do."

"Yeah." Isaac mumbled. "Come on, let's go. I'd put a tracker on Ree- we can go there and-"

"Why are we doing this?" Nick asked thoughtfully.

"What do you mean?" I snapped irascibly.

"Why are we going through so much trouble for a girl we didn't even know existed until a few weeks ago." He elucidated. "Don't get me wrong, I like Arya and all, but... why?" I knew Nick didn't mean to be harsh- his brain was wired differently from the rest of us. His thinking was incredibly logical, more focused on the best course of action rather than how it could affect others around him. It wasn't his fault, though- he was trained to think that way.

I thought about it for a few seconds before answering carefully. "Two years ago, I made the biggest mistake of my life by letting Arya go. I hated her, at first, and now I wish I'd plucked up the courage to ask her why she left. I let her go once and I'm not making the same mistake again. You're either with me, or not. But I'm still gonna go save my best friend." I paused to take a breath, a small smile on my lips. "Besides, it's a matter of humanity as well. We really gonna stand by and let a scumbag like Mantennii marry her?"

Nick shook his head vehemently. "You're right. It was a... temporary lapse in judgement. Sorry. Let's go."

End of chapter 15.


1. What do you think is 'wrong' with Nick?

2. Do you kinda hate the boys?

3. What's gonna happen to Arya?

I hope you guys liked it!

Stay safe and thanks for reading :)

Wrong Place, Wrong Time ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ