Chapter 2: Mini Skittle

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Painfully, they changed 'is' to 'was'

The door opened and a little girl leaned against it, scrunching up her nose at the visitor. A smile threatened to overtake her face, but she pushed it back and tried to act serious. "Uncle Izzy." She said in the most grownup voice she could muster.

Issac crouched down to her height, eyes crinkling at the corner as he grinned. "Mini Skittle." He mimicked her tone. "May I enter your home?"

"You have to pay me first." The little girl declared, crossing her arms. Her bright green eyes narrowed and Issac was momentarily transported back in time- back to the girl with the same bright green eyes and witty attitude.

"Oh!" Issac sighed and pretended to think. "Hmm... Will this do?" He pulled out a large bar of chocolate from the folds of his coat.

"Thank you Uncle Izzy!" Allison beamed and threw her arms around his neck. She pulled away and frowned. "Where's James?"

"He'll be here soon." Issac answered vaguely, knowing his son would never forgive him if he ruined the surprise water attack James had planned.

Allison didn't seem to buy it, but she shrugged anyways. Grabbing Issac's hand, she pulled him deeper into the home. "Everyone's in the garden! We're getting ready to light the candle again this year!"

'The candle...' Issac thought, trying to hide his sadness with a smile.

Every year on Arya's birthday- and, coincidentally, Allison's birthday- the group got together to light her favourite candle. It was kept burning for the entire day- as a reminder of the one they lost. They had all prepared a letter for her as well and they were to be locked inside a small wooden box and kept in the shed. No one was allowed to read the other person's letter.

"Zack! You made it!" Caleb cried out, trying to wrest a book from his son's grasp. "For goodness sake Zion! You do not need to read a book right now!"

The ten-year-old scowled and pushed his glasses further up his nose. "Yes I do! It's the only way I can stay sane when hanging around with these idiots!" He gestured to his friends.

"Hey!" They all scowled.

"I stand by what I said!" Zion threw his hands in the air and gave an overdramatic huff. "Fine! You win!"

"That's the spirit little brother." Adrien- Zion's twin- laughed.

"You're not that much older than me!" Zion scowled, stomping over to his friends. He glanced at Issac. "Hey Uncle Zack!"

"Hey kiddo!" Issac ruffled Zion's hair, much to the younger boy's chagrin.

"Zack!" Ethan greeted, giving him a high-five.

"Ethan! Nice hair." He nodded, seeing the half hair pink style his best friend sported.

He gave a lopsided smile in response. "Thanks... so, how's things with-"

A loud scream diverted their attention. Instinctively, Issac's hand went to the gun he kept tucked in his waistband. Ethan was on high alert too, gripping the knife in his pocket.

The scream had come from Allison. But they relaxed when they realised it was simply because James and Kyle- Ethan and Renèe's kid- had doused her in freezing water.

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