chapter 12

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Verenya's Provoke
 I woke up when a bright light flashes on my face. I don't know why servants didn't close these curtains.
AHHH that's irritating. I open my eyes. I saw Abhirath reading something on his desk. I walk towards him but before I got a chance to say something.  

Abhirath said folding his book-
" So finally you wake up. But from tomorrow you have to wake up before I or I will going to punish you. Did you got it?"

I nodded.

As I don't felt like I have energy in my body to fight with him.  

"Give me one glass of water." -: he said.
When I start moving towards the bed.  I hit my feet on the floor loudly in frustration.

"Don't  Manyagarh King have servants" -: I said almost sarcastically.

"When I have my personal maid then why I should disturb other servants. Go and get it for me. It's a king order"    -:He said while lowering his eyebrow down with an egoistic smile.

I pouted in irritation. 

I poured water in the silver glass and as I walking towards Abhirath ...

My Creepy idea took over. I try to control my smile.

I offered him a glass but as he was about to hold the glass water. I removed my grip on glass and water spread over his clothes.

 He looked at me in anger.

 I control my laugh but in the end, I laughed while putting my hands over my face.   

Abhirath  held my wrist with a jerk and I fall on him.  

Abhirath's Provoke
Her hair fell over my face. She is always a wild cat.
Nobody knows what.. when.. where this cat will gonna attack you.
I remove her bangs and pushed it behind her ear lobe.
       She was looking pale all of a sudden is she nervous about our closeness. 
     I placed my hands on her waist and as soon as my bare fingers get in direct contact with her skin.

She shivered. 

"I got your weakest point," I said while laughing hard at her shivers. 

 She stares at me in fustration and tries to get out of my hold. 

I harden my grip on her. 
"Leave me." she said while hitting against my chest. 

" What If I don't," I said mocking at her. 
"I will gonna bite you am telling you," she said.

I nodded and smiled.   She comes close to me ...
I look at her pinkish lips. She was about to kiss me and we close our eyes. 

She bites me on the neck and suddenly I jerk my hands off and yell in pain. " Are you mentally ill," I asked.

  She laughed and said in a kind voice:- " You think I will gonna kiss you. (laughed and wiping her tears from her eyes.)"  

Suddenly Maa Saa came and asked in a hurry " Is everything alright I was walking from here and I heard someone painful voice?"

Verenya and I looked at each other while maintaining distance from each other in front of Maa Saa. 

 Maa Saa notice a bruise on my neck and pointed towards it.
" I think Manyagarh king and queen need privacy... Sorry to disturb you both. I didn't see anything you guys carry on" She said while controlling her smile.  

"Maa Saa that's not what you are thinking" I try to explain my Maa Saa while walking behind her.

She nodded and said -"It's okay no need to explain. I think I will soon going to be a grandmother."  I blushed while rubbing my back.

  I went back to my chamber. Now after this incident, I am done with Verenya. 

I ordered in front of Verenya -" From now Queen of Manyagarh will going to stay in her chamber only. She is not allow to go outside". 

" You can't do this to me," she said furiously. 

"Oh I can't do this But you can do this (pointing towards the blue bruise on my neck) . Do you even know what Maa Saa is thinking ... leave it"- I said while staring at her.  

I left the chamber while smiling at her craziness.


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