🍏 Ten

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Despite the fact that he really did hate running, Dawson found himself up an hour earlier the next day taking care of his morning duties so that he could join Layla, Marshall, and his sister on a run.

The three of them were stretching by the house, the couple following Layla's instructions. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail, body donned in leggings and a matching sports bra, both of which looked like they were made just for her. He'd been wondering if he was crazy for even considering putting himself through this torture, but one look at her—especially when she was dressed like that—had all those thoughts silenced in a second.

Layla smiled as he approached, but tilted her head when her eyes trailed over him, taking in his clothing. "You're coming?"

Kenzie's head perked up, and she grinned when her eyes found him. "Yay!"

Layla's eyes narrowed, but her smile only grew. "I thought you hated running."

Dawson shrugged, too enamored by the joy on her face to worry or care if she saw right through him and knew he was there for her. "It's been awhile since I did any. I figured maybe I'd see if my thoughts have changed."

"Well you'll hate it a lot less if you stretch."

He stood next to her, followed her instructions, and tried not to lose his balance with each new maneuver. What had gotten into him? What was it about Layla that had him standing next to her doing calf stretches at six in the morning?

Maybe some of it was that he was looking to finish their conversation from yesterday. He was just curious about her engagement. Curious about why, of any topic she could have diverted to, she went straight to his love life. Probably just to get even. But maybe, maybe for another reason. A reason that was more aligned with his own.

Damn Jack for interrupting. And damn himself for letting him—he could've told Jack to give him a minute. Yeah, it might've caused an argument, but these days everything seemed to.

Still, if that was his reasoning, it was stupid reasoning. They couldn't talk while they were running, especially not when she was in front and he was stuck between Marshall and Kenzie. And even if they had been near each other, he couldn't bring up all the things he wanted to with the couple around.

Was he trying to impress her? He guessed that was part of it. But more than that, he was just looking to be around her. It was the reason that made the least sense to him, and yet it was the one he couldn't deny. She was only here for eleven more days, and acknowledging that made a weight settle in his stomach.

The run, even if it did set his lungs on fire, was a good way to check the grounds for the day. The sky was pink from the sunrise, and the trees were rustling in the crisp breeze that hinted at the cooler weather to come, but the orchard ran like usual, even with his change in schedule. In an hour or so the extra hands would get here to help harvest and care for the trees. But for now, it was just Jack running numbers in his office and Adam opening the shop.

When they finally circled back to the house, he was sure of it: he hated running. But the wide smile on his sisters face and the high five she offered him was enough to make it worth the pain.

"God, I can't believe I find this fun," she said, adjusting her ponytail. Some of her curly brown bangs had escaped the hairclip holding them back, and were now stuck to her forehead. "I always thought I hated exercise. I guess it was just gym class."

Layla smiled—if it wasn't for the light sheen of sweat on her skin, Dawson would have thought she looked completely unaffected by the run. "I'm glad you gave yourself the chance to change your mind."

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