🍎 Forty One

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The fresh, early-morning breeze rolled through the McAden's dining room, which was alive with laughter and conversation. Roman flittered in and out of the kitchen, bringing pancakes with him each time—buttermilk, banana, and chocolate chip, all made specially with the protein-packed recipe from Layla's bootcamp cookbook.

She sat next to Dawson with a smile on her face and a fuzzy warmth in her heart as Kenzie described the bridesmaid dresses she was considering, asking her, Gabby, and Annie for thoughts on colors and shapes. Layla had a busy day ahead, going with Marshall to a showing at the old gym in Red View, then joining her friends at Lillie Mae Bridal to pick dresses and get fitted. The sun was already shining, and the September air carried the unmistakable feeling of summer's end as it wafted inside.

If there was a more perfect way to spend a morning, Layla wasn't aware of it. This past week felt like a new birth, a new chance at life. Her parents had been angry and confused at first, not understanding why she would leave their successful gyms just to try to start one of her own. But when she explained it to them, told them about Dawson, the McAden's, and how wonderful Red View was, they accepted it--even supported it. In their own words, they just wanted her to be happy.

The merger was still up in the air, but her involvement was done entirely. Whatever happened, happened, and it wasn't her concern anymore. She did, however, know that her parents weren't too pleased when they found out the extent of Colin's infidelity. If a merger was going to happen, she had a feeling the terms and conditions might change when it came to who would inherit the business.

"I can't believe Cliff will be here in a week." Kenzie grinned, pouring syrup over her pancake stack.

"The bastard better show," Jack mumbled through a bite of food. Despite the harsh words his lips toyed with the idea of a smile.

"Hey," Roman scolded as he entered the dining room and sat down with his own plate at the head of the table. "No calling your brother a bastard."

Dawson perked up next to Layla with wide eyes. "You never say that when he calls me anything."

"Well, you're here to defend yourself."

"Yeah," Jack agreed like it was obvious, reaching for his glass of water with a poorly-hidden smirk. "Bastard."

"Neither of you is allowed to insult each other on my wedding day." Kenzie pointed her fork menacingly at her brothers. "Or Cliff."

"Great, so we'll just have to resort to insulting you and Marshall instead." Dawson narrowly dodged the napkin that Kenzie tossed at him as he finished his sentence with a laugh that made Layla's heart soar.

"Oh, I will be sad when all this wedding excitement is over," Lillie Mae lamented, looking at Kenzie and Marshall with a dreamy expression. When her gaze traveled over to the other side of the table and settled on Layla and Dawson, her gaze went playful, one eye winking. "Of course, we may have another one soon."

"Oh, don't rush them," Roman chided, shaking his head. As he cut into his pancakes, he shrugged, looking at the couple. "But, you know, celebrations do help people stay young."

Layla laughed as Dawson wrapped an arm around the back of her chair, and she felt her heart flutter at the idea. A wedding, a real wedding of her own. She wasn't in a hurry, but then, she also wasn't looking to take it slow. If there was one thing she knew about being with Dawson, it was that timing wasn't a concern. The pieces would fall into place whenever they were ready.

Breakfast came to an end as the others left to start their day. Jack first, of course, heading off to his office as always. Then Roman, Gabby and Lillie Mae left for work together, while Marshall went to take a call and Kenzie and Annie took on cleaning duty. Layla told them she'd be back in a minute to help out, walking Dawson to the side-door off the kitchen and stepping outside with him.

"You'll call me, let me know what you think of the place?" he asked, tucking her hair back from the light wind.

She nodded, unable to stop herself from smiling. It was different now with him—better, because she could let herself love him without any of the worry.

He leaned down to kiss her goodbye for the day, pulled away for a second, and then went back in for another. He hummed against her mouth before he leaned back, grinning like a boy. "You know something?"

She went on her toes, planted a short kiss on the bridge of his nose. "Hm?"

"My parents might have a point about that wedding stuff."

Despite the joking in his voice, the look in his eyes told her he wasn't saying it for laughs. And with the unexpected thrill that ran through her at the words, she wasn't eager to play it off like he was.

Still smiling, he gave her one last peck and a good squeeze. "I love you. I'll see you at dinner."

"Love you too," she said as he stepped off the porch. Yes, the pieces would fall into place, she thought with a laugh. Maybe much sooner than either of them expected. 

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!! Today is a double update, so be sure to check out the next chapter for my ooey-gooey authors note and a sneak peek of the next book! 😁💚

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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!! Today is a double update, so be sure to check out the next chapter for my ooey-gooey authors note and a sneak peek of the next book! 😁💚

Hearts Like Ours | Red View Romance #1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu