Who do you want to be in the future?

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Ugh. I don't like this city I live in and I hate my home.
Well, yeah, of course. Consider that something cliche coming out of my mouth, like a cool start to the first episode of a Japanese show. But I'm always yelled at by my mother for many reasons. Grades, school, issues, everything. Maybe even my time with Penny nowadays. I even hate it when it's during my free time. Darwin only sees me as someone who can't learn anything at all and only brings others in for no reason. Anais is always bossy with me and him. Dad's no help at all because he simply can't think at all.
It really is a pain, and that's why I hate this world for being so happy with so many happy families. I'm still living on happy, but there's that to worry about, so yeah.

Miss Simian: Watterson! Gumball Watterson!
Gumball: Here! *comes up to the desk*
Miss Simian: *hands him his report card*
Gumball: Hm. *grabs it and sits back down at his seat*

I wonder what my grades are...

Gumball: *looks at the report card and sighs seeing many grades below a 75*

Yep... They are bad... I'll be dead soon enough...

Darwin: So, Gumball! What grades did you get?
Gumball: Dead grades! They all suck! *smiles sarcastically and chuckles* You?
Darwin: Dead as well! Hahaha!
Gumball: We're so gonna be dead! *laughs happily* Hahahaha!
Penny: Darn it! *lowers her head onto the desk* I got a D in one class... My dad's not going to be happy about it...! I think I'll lose free time for my break this year!!
Darwin: Oh, cheer up, Penny! It could be worse! Your father understands you!
Penny: Darwin, you only met my father once and joined in with your mother yelling at him... He's not a laid back happy man, he's serious about my school performance...
Gumball: It will be alright, Penny... *yawns and leans on his seat* Aaauuhh... Just face it and you'll be just fine. That's what I always do whenever my mom wants to go crazy again!
Penny: Riiight... *sighs sadly*

I'm always getting yelled at for my grades and getting grounded. But it's something I'm used to now. And no one can change it because it's all my mom's fault for making me like this.

Idaho: Wooow!! You're going on vacation this Thanksgiving break?
Tobias: Yeah! Finally I get to have some fun out of the house! Are you going on vacation too?
Idaho: Yeah! Maybe to a great country side somewhere in California or heading to Canada!
Gumball: *looks at them and thinks to himself while listening to them*

Well, it seems like the spoiled rainbow brat and the countryside potato has plans for Thanksgiving break like everyone else.

Tobias: Canada is peaceful as I've heard from others... *remembers something important in his mind* Oh! Want to come to my house today? My dad will cook a great dinner!
Idaho: Oh sure!! I can try some of that delicious new food he has!
Tobias: I'm the luckiest kid alive, eh? *smiles boastfully*

He says that like always... Really just says that his parents are terrible in basic terms...

Tobias: Oh! Gumball! What are you planning this November?
Gumball: *not noticing Tobias talking to him* Ah! Uhh, I don't have any plans for November! My family's too poor to even afford any! *grins nervously*
Darwin: Oh, Gumball! It's not always like that!
Gumball: Yes it is...
Tobias: Pfft, lame! You should really go somewhere this month and enjoy time with just your parents!
Idaho: Uh, your family.
Tobias: Yes, but Rachel is in college, so she does her own vacation with her friends! It will be just me and my parents! Heheheh!
Gumball: Haha... Yeah... *looks down and frowns*

I'm not even up for summer break because I'll just have summer classes, right? Yeah, right. I know my mom will just do it for me so I can suffer.

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