Chapter 11

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Eleanor rushed to the hotel lobby, where she was going to meet with Sebastian. They were going to have lunch at a restaurant he promised was amazing and that it was private enough so that the two of them could discuss the details of the following weeks with no one's eyes watching them closely.

And as always, the great Sebastian Crain was late.

She sat on one of the lobby lounge area couches. As she waited, she worked on her laptop, until she saw him arriving at the hotel with his hair disheveled from the spring breeze and his dangerous smile directed towards her.

When she saw Sebastian, she immediately got embarrassed as the memories of their conversation on the phone came back to her. She recalled the half-asleep gibberish she said and hoped that Sebastian would refrain from mentioning it. Why did I talk so much about the cafeteria? She cursed herself.

'You're late,' Eleanor grumbled, as she put away her laptop and as Sebastian approached her. 'Why are you always this late? Don't you have a watch?'

Sebastian ignored Eleanor's grumbles and showed her his very expensive watch. She ignored what type of watch it was. She could not care less for such frivolous things, and focused her attention on the watch hands, as they were clearly wrong. Instead of how much it had cost, she was much more interested in how late the watch was.

Although Eleanor thought that the watch did not suit Sebastian, it seemed too flashy for his taste since he always wore neutral colors and a very discreet attire; he was outrageously handsome and confident. He bared himself with pride and that was what caught everyone's attention; that was what made him stand from the crowd. Maybe it was a gift. She wondered.

'Well, now I understand,' — she pulled his wrist towards her — 'this is not right. Why do you want an expensive watch if it doesn't work properly? A watch should tell you the right time, otherwise it's completely pointless to wear one.' The woman fixed the hours while gently grabbing the man's wrist with her slender and delicate fingers.

'Lina gave it to me,' he said to her, while letting her fix it. 'The day I met you, actually. It was a gift to celebrate my big promotion.'

Eleanor looked at him and blinked. It surprised her that her deduction matched the truth, but his expression left her confused. He seemed troubled when he mentioned his promotion, and she could not help but to notice it.

'I wouldn't have bought it for myself. Although, if she hadn't gifted it to me, I wouldn't even be wearing a watch, which means that I would've arrived even later.'

'You shouldn't keep a lady waiting.'

'Do you know with whom you are talking to?' He let his seductively smirk out, making her blush.

'Don't be so pretentious,' she grinned.

Eleanor tried to be fierce and opinionated. She tried really hard to express her thoughts in a clear and concise way, but she was a very timid person who blushed way too easily, and Sebastian was starting to notice that. He was also realizing that even though she was shy, she also had the strange habit of saying the first thing that came to her mind. Honesty was one of her virtues.

He wasn't used to having such honesty in his life, aside from Larissa and Lina, and even they had things they didn't dare to say to him.

'You realize you need me and that you are late, right? I'm not the one who has to be nice.' She nervously smiled while avoiding his piercing gaze, trying to disarm the man when, clearly, he was the one doing that to her.

'I'm aware of that. Let's go in. We have a reservation.' He softly placed a hand on her back as he guided her towards the entrance. 'I know that this isn't the cafeteria, but the food is also pretty good,' he said with a devilish smirk.

Eleanor felt her face burning and looked at the floor to hide her embarrassment. Never speak to anyone again after you wake up! Never! She said to herself as they walked towards the door.

The restaurant was on the top floor of a hotel. It had a very modern décor, glass tabletops, white leather chairs with black wooden details, orchids, arrangements, and candles as the centerpiece, but the view was the best feature. The view was amazing. They could see the water glistening under the sun. Everything seemed so peaceful from far away, and the reality of their daily lives seemed to be so distant.

They went into one of the private dining rooms, staying separated from the rest of the restaurant and odd looks from the people that had recognized the man.

'So, the wedding is in two months,' he announced.

Though Eleanor was aware of that since she followed the news about the other Crain sibling.

'Where is it going to be? Lina and Ian have been keeping it a secret.'


'Tuscany?' she asked with her eyes wide open. 'Tuscany in Italy?'

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