Our Song

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"Sir, I highly advise against that. Children at Lou's age often respond poorly to the medicine."

"Well, what else can we do." The stressed patient yells, "My son, my baby boy, is dying. Moreover, you are sitting here telling me that I should not try to save him."

"Mr. Reyes, I never said that. The doctors here at Grandview are doing anything and everything possible." Dr. Lagoon straightens his mask, "I will restate that Lou will never get the best care he can receive until you take him to 'Children's Hospital.'"

The built man stands up and storms out the door.

Sighing, Dr. Lagoon follows suit.

Things had been busy at the hospital ever since the beginning of the pandemic. More and more hospitals were filling up with patients. Nobody is properly wearing masks yet wondering how they catch the virus.

A scoff escaped him just thinking about it.

"Hey, Jackson!"

He turns his head just enough to see his frilly-haired French coworker fighting to reach him.

"Lydia, hey! I was just about to come looking for you!" Jackson pulls her hand out of the busy hall.

"Really." She practically squeaks.

Laughing softly, he scratches the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I was wondering if yo-"

"Yo, Jackson!" The janitor, Braden, calls out, "Where do you want these new hospital dresses."

"Oh! They can go in the supplies closet!" Jackson jesters his hand towards the old cupboard. 

He lifts a thumb, indicating a thumb's up, and walks away.

After moments of silence- or as quiet as silent a busy hospital can get- Lydia taps his shoulder.

"Yes." He snaps his head to her vibrant green eyes.

"You were wondering if I, what?" She shifts closer to him.

"Right, did you have new stats on the non-COVID-related visitors?"

As the words leave his mouth, Lydia practically deflates.

"Uh, yeah, sure," she turns to the desk counter and asks for the sheets of the last twenty-four hours of patients.

Once she has them, she holds them so his midnight blue eyes can scale through them.

"Wow, ok. Not what I thought." He rubs his pointed jaw thoughtfully.

"What is it?" She pulls them back toward her line of sight.

"Only fifty people have come in saying they have COVID, but over one hundred of the patients to walk through that door have tested positive for it."

"What does that mean?" She furrows her brows.

"It means that it is spreading faster than we thought, and tons of people are not noticing or not caring about symptoms."

Lydia flips to the next page, "Crap."

"Oh no, what is it?"

"It says we had ten deaths just yesterday! How many of those were falsely set as something else? I mean, 'flu' is showing up everywhere, but..."

"It could be the virus," he finished, "We need to go through these again; I also believe we should require two COVID tests."

"What do we do with the ones who have it?" She questions.

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