Always & Forever

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"Ok, how does, 'I hate your stupid face', sound?"

He rolls his deep green eyes for the fifth time, "It sounds like you're an impatient teenager, who is desperate to find her Soulmate."

"Good, because I am an impatient teenager looking for her Soulmate." I give him a slight nudge.

He grabs my face and stares into my eyes, "Why are you so desperate?"

"Because I want to feel whole. I can't do that without my Soulmate," he rolls his eyes again, "Why don't you want to find your Soulmate?"

"You know how much I hate going with the crowd. Ever since the Soulmate vaccine became mandatory I feel like I lost my freedom of choice. Love is supposed to be a choice."

"It is a choice! The vaccines just help find your Soulmate, you choose if you end up with them or not."

He finally lets go of my face, "Aw, common. You know just as well as I that it's impossible to say no to a bond once it's formed."

It's my turn to roll my eyes, "Well, anyway. You really think it sounds desperate and impatient if I send this?"

"And manipulating..."

I give him my hardest scowl.

"Sorry but it's true. Ever since they announced negative emotions help allegedly find your Soulmate faster, people have become super manipulative with their negative thoughts and stuff."

"That's all?"

He gives me a "what's wrong with you" look.

"Aw, common! Everyone else is doing it, don't give me that look," he rolls his eyes again, "But you still think it's desperate and impatient?"

"Given the fact that you can't feel the bond until you turn eighteen, yes."

"I turn eighteen tomorrow, and I read that right before your eighteenth birthday you can feel a 'tingle'."

"A 'tingle'?"

"Don't judge me! Yes, a 'tingle'. It's not much, but it's a slimmer of hope that someone is on the other side." I start to fidget my hands.

What if he doesn't love me back though?

"Hey, whoever is your Soulmate will love you. I know I would," his face starts turning red, "I mean, if I wasn't- you know- if-"

"I got it." I giggle a little bit.

Truth is, I know that he has a crush on me. It's the worst kept secret at school. I feel horrible whenever I openly talk about waiting for another guy in front of him. But at the end of the day, Soulmates are normal. "Crushes" aren't.

Ever since I was in first grade I wanted the Soulmate vaccine (even though I'm terrified of needles).

When we were younger the vaccines cost money and were an option, but when it became clear that people having their Soulmate was slowly helping the world become safer, they became mandatory (and free).

This is why I don't get why Lay doesn't want it. It helps the economy and makes people happy (both of the things he lives by). He's been like that since birth. Always looking for a way to be different (but not in a "pick me" kind of way).

I still remember the first day of elementary school. All of the colorful decorations. Screaming kids everywhere. Well, except for one. A little boy in the corner. I introduced myself with a huge smile hoping to be his friend. He immediately told me that he wouldn't "mind" having a friendly companion.

Yes, those were his exact words.

As we talked throughout the day, I learned that he hated the thought of Soulmates. His parents were Soulmates. He told me they were happy until he lost his father. His mom lost it and died ten days later. He claimed he would always hate the idea of Soulmates because nobody should have that much control over another.

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