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 "Agent Winters?" The agent currently interrogating my brother looks up, surprised by my entrance. "Is there anything I can do for you?" My brother, who I hadn't seen since I was twelve, doesn't look at me. 
        "I'll take over from here, if you don't mind." The agent nods once, gathering her things. She hands me the main file with a small smile before exiting the room. The door shut with a soft click, and then it was just my brother and I. I quietly move to the chair across fro my brother, sitting down and opening the file. SHIELD actually had a fairly extensive file on Henry, which wasn't a good sign. I flip through the page, skimming the information. 
        "You graduated from Yale?" I mutter, surprised. "You weren't getting better than C's when I was kicked out." I glance up, trying to gauge a reaction. He's staring at me, not saying a word. "And you've got quite the criminal record. I'd say Mom and Dad would be scandalized, but seeing as they're in interrogation rooms down the hall, I'm guessing they know." He stays silent, and I sigh, looking up.
        "Henry, it'd be smart for you to talk to me." Still, silence. "Henry."
        "Shut the hell up." He mutters, shaking his head with disbelief. 
        "I'm still your sister, you know." I reply, unfazed. 
        "My sister died when she was twelve." Henry replies, and I raise an eyebrow at that. "You're just a piece of scum." To be honest, I thought he'd just ignore me. This whole, "my sister is dead" angle was not something I was ready for. 
        "I kind of thought Dad and Mom explained the concept of death to you. Now listen, my heart hasn't stopped, which means I'm still alive. And, blood doesn't lie, so I am your sister. You're going too have to suck it up, Henry." I glance back down at the file. It's silent for a few moments.
        "What happened to your face?" Henry asks suddenly. I snort, looking up at him.
        "You care?" I counter, and he rolls his eyes, a disgusted sneer on his face.
        "No. Most of you at least look normal. I'm just trying to figure out why you look closer to the monster you truly are." I can't stop the surprised expression that flashes across my face for a moment at his words. 
        "You need to work on your insults, brother." 
        "Don't call me that." He spits, anger flashing across his face. "I am not your brother. I am a normal human being, and you're nothing more than the shit I'd wipe of my shoe." I give him a long look, waiting for him to say something. When he doesn't, I let out a long breath, closing his file and setting it off to the side.
        "Alright Henry, you and I both know you aren't going to cooperate, so here's what's going to happen." My brother frowns, shooting me an annoyed look. "You aren't going to talk, so I'm going to get into your head and get the answers I need." Henry's eyes widen ever so slightly. 
        "You can't do that!"
        "There are no laws against it. You won't be in pain, so it isn't torture." I shrug. He opens his mouth to protest, but I'm already digging through his mind, even if he doesn't know it.
        "Don't go anywhere near my mind." He hisses, and I notice one of his hands move upwards for a moment as if he was going to try and physically block me.
        "Then tell us what we want to know." I retort, continuing to find answers. "Who are you working for?" Henry grits his teeth, refusing to speak. I make his eyes meet mine for a moment before I pull out of his head with a small sigh. I grab the file and rise to my feet, looking into the mirror behind my brother. "Add attempted kidnapping to his list of crimes. They were only going to kill me if they couldn't capture me." I look back down at Henry, who has gone wide-eyed again. "Enjoy prison. You've got enough crimes in this file alone to put you away for a while."
        "What? No! Stay out of my head you bitch!" He jerks against the handcuffs attached to the table. I ignore him, quickly exiting the room. Fury, Nat, and Loki, as well as the others are coming out of the room. Without a word, I hand Fury the file.
        "Ophelia..." Nat trails off, and I shake my head. 
        "I'm going to head back to the tower." I say quietly. "My parents are only guilty of aiding and abetting. My brother brought the idea to them, they were only a way to get to me." Fury nods once, and I glance at the team. "I'll prep the jet." I'm walking down the hallway before any of the team can say a word, and I feel a presence move to my side. I don't bother glancing over, instinctually knowing it was Loki.
        We walk in silence to the jet, and I'm not focused on anything. My mind keeps replaying the scene with my brother over and over again, taunting me. The two of us reach the jet, and it's only then that Loki tries speaking. "Are you alright?' He asks quietly. I snort, brushing it off.
        "I knew my brother hated me."
        "Ophelia, he said things-"
        "I'm fine, Loki." I cut him off, waiting for the back of the jet to fully descend. 
        "I know when you're lying, love." I turn my head, scowling. He waits, watching me for any sign of emotion. I sigh, gritting my teeth as I look away. 
        "I knew he hated me." I finally admit. " I knew that." The back of the jet hits the floor, and I move onto the platform. 
        "But?" He prompts, following me. He follows me all the way to the cockpit, standing beside the chair as I sit down and power everything up.
        "I didn't expect it to hurt as much as it did." I admit, glancing up at him. "He's still my brother. I grew up with him, but I knew he hated me. It shouldn't hurt this much, but it does, and it sucks." I turn back to the control panel, focusing on making sure everything was running smoothly. Loki doesn't say anything, and I'm okay with the silence. 
        After a while, there are noises coming from outside the jet. The team was coming back, and I'm more than ready to go back to the tower. Loki leans down, and I feel his lips press softly against my forehead before he moves to his seat, leaving me to my thoughts.

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