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My eyes snap open, and I have to blink a few times to adjust to the light in the cells. The sun had come up, and the lights were on, but that hadn't woken me. I had been pulled out of the dream I had been having about Loki. I slowly sit up, my back cracking and joints aching from sleeping on a stone floor.
        "You okay? It looks like the swelling has gone down a little." I blink slowly, and it takes me a second to remember that Gambit was here now. I nod, my throat too dry to say anything quite yet. 
        That's when I feel the sharp pain on my right arm, and I look down. It felt as if someone had....
        "When we wake, I'll pinch my right arm. You'll know this was real." 
        Loki's words bounce through my mind, and I can hardly believe that the dream had been real. That my conversation had been real. I had gotten to see him, to finally tell him...
        "Ophelia?" I look towards Kurt, who was sending me a concerned look. 
        "Sorry, I..." I trail off, unsure of how to even explain what had happened in my sleep. "I'm waiting two days. Two days, and then my plan will be put into motion." Kurt and Gambit exchange a look.
        "What's with the sudden change of heart, Sweetheart?" Gambit asks. I shoot him a look, knowing that he knew very well how much I disliked that nickname, and he chuckles. 
        "Just got a message from the mothership." I reply casually, glancing around. Most of the kids were still asleep. Gambit cocks an eyebrow at that.
        "And just how did you go about that?" He asks, leaning forward slightly with interest. 
        "Magic." I reply, not bothering to give more of an explanation. Gambit sighs, knowing it would be risky to say much else here. Otherwise, I know he would have bugged me for answers until he had gotten some. 
        "Two days then." He agrees, as if he knew what I had up my sleeve. I sigh in agreement, leaning against the wall of my stone cell.
        "Two days."


        I wasn't taken back into the lab until the next day, and I had a feeling it was so I wouldn't look as roughed up as I had been. Still, the sight of me as I walked into the lab made all of the doctors do a double take. I was surprised when no one moved forward to take me from the group of lackeys until I noticed the new presence in the room. 
        The man in the dark navy suit had short salt and pepper hair, and stood straight. there was an air of authority around him, and I knew he was one of the people running whatever this was. He had to be. 
        He gives me a once-over and grunts, frowning. "This is her? The avenger?" He asks, glancing towards the lead scientist. She nods once, not daring to speak. "Why does she look like that?"
        "Your lackeys decided to hold me down and beat me, but it isn't like you look much better if we're being honest." I reply casually, not bothering to watch my mouth. There wasn't much he could do to me that would be a surprise besides killing me, but we both knew he wouldn't do that. 
        The lead scientist's eyes widen in shock and a little fear, and I see everyone go scarily stiff. 
        Then the man chuckles, before letting out an honest laugh. "I was told you had a mouth on you." He murmurs, shaking his head. "Where are we with her ability, Dr. Grenky?" He asks the woman, Dr. Grenky, apparently. 
        "Well, um, nowhere." He turns sharply at that. 
        "What do you mean nowhere?" He almost yells. "I bring you the most powerful mutant on the planet, and you've gotten nowhere? Need I remind you what will happen to your precious Trina if you don't-"
        "There's nothing I can do!" She quickly exclaims, fear filling her expression. "Your foot soldiers pumped her full of the cure. It's... it's the cure. I can't find anything right now. It might be months before I can." His teeth grind together, and he slowly turns back towards my direction. 
        "Who made the call for the cure?" The man holding my arm stiffens. "Who made the call?" 
        "Clifford." The guard next to me replies. The man nods once.
        "Tell Clifford to meet me in my office. I'll be there in a moment." His eyes refocus on me for a moment, a cruel sneer curling his lips. "If you so much as cause a hint of trouble, I'll start killing off the mutants in that room with you, understood?" The threat hits hard, and I knew he'd do it. There was something in the way he held himself. Something in his eyes. It screamed that the threat was more than a threat. It was a promise.
        "Sir yes sir." I reply with a mock salute, not letting him see his words get to me. "It's not like I can do much here anyway."' 
        "Don't forget it." He grunts before moving around my guard to leave the room. The door shuts with a resounding click, and it's like the entire room sags with relief. My guards wait a moment before they let themselves leave, and Dr. Grenky comes over to me. 
        "You okay?" I ask, knowing that she was still on edge. She gives me a stiff nod, motioning towards the table. I take the same place I had yesterday sitting on the table.  "Dr Grenky, huh?" I ask, trying to ease the tension. It works, and she lets out a snort of a laugh.
        "Call me Julie." She replies quietly. I nod, sending her a warm smile. 
        "Julie." I murmur under my breath. "Am I right to guess that man was the head honcho?" I ask, and she nods again.
        "As far as I can tell, he's the number two. Gavin Colden. I met him at a conference last year where he was supposedly recruiting people for this huge moneymaking revolutionary idea. I guess I was good enough to be threatened into using, but I don't think he's number one. He's to stressed to not be answering to someone." I nod quietly, letting the information sink in. This would have been more useful before I had talked with Loki. I wasn't sure he'd be able to talk again before tomorrow.
        "Thanks for the info." I murmur, frowning at the door. Julie glances at the door, then at me.
        "Are you planning something?" She asks, so quietly I almost miss it." I shake my head.
        "Not as far as you know."  She hesitates before nodding at my answer. She's only silent for a few moments though, unable to keep something inside.
        "Does it have to do with the fact that I can still find your mutant DNA?"

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