Shot 7

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The door of Sathvik's cabin opened with a bang, and they looked up to see Ishaan rushing inside. He stood shocked, seeing Sathvik holding Devangana's hands.

Devangana quickly extricated her hands from Sathvik's hold and stood up, gulping.

"What the hell?" Ishaan asked in outrage.

Ishaan Kashyap, works in the hardware department of the company, and before Sathvik had taken on the CEO position, he had worked in the same department for six months.

He had always found Ishaan easygoing and friendly. But now, the man appeared furious for some reason.

"Ishaan? Everything alright?" Sathvik asked, only to get a glare in return.

Sathvik frowned at the confusing behaviour of the man.

The glare then turned from him and ended upon Devangana, who moved to hide behind him.

"What?" Sathvik asked, seeing Devangana cowering behind him, clutching onto his shirt tightly.

"Angana," Ishaan called furiously, and Sathvik frowned.

"I didn't do anything, Bhaiyya. I swear," Devangana said, peeking from behind him.

"Bhaiyya?" Sathvik asked. He had no idea that Devangana is Ishaan's sister.

"Angana, come here," Ishaan called out again.

"No. You will scold me. I won't come until you promise me that you won't scold me," Devangana said.

Ishaan took deep breaths to calm himself.

"Okay. Fine! Just come here," Ishaan said in a calm tone.

Devangana moved forward, still with a suspicious look on her face.

"Why didn't you tell me you are Ishaan's sister?" Sathvik asked.

"I thought you knew," Devangana said.

"How will I know without you telling me?"

"Everyone here knows," Devangana said with a shrug.

"Angana, what is happening here? The whole office is humming with the gossip that the new errand girl is getting married to the CEO. Some people even came and asked me when I am giving them the treat," Ishaan said in exasperation.

"Employees weren't supposed to know," Sathvik said, rubbing his face in irritation.

"Do you have any idea what you have done, Devangana? You have been here for hardly two weeks. How in the hell did you fall in love in two weeks? And how could you decide to get married without talking to anyone at home?" Ishaan asked angrily.

"It's not like that, Bhaiyya. You misunderstood," Devangana said.

Sathvik then explained to Ishaan in detail about what had brought this impulsive act from his side.

Ishaan was furious.

"You f*cking used her," Ishaan accused.

"Ishaan! I can understand your emotions. But my intentions were not to hurt anyone. I admit, my act was impulsive. I didn't think through the consequences. I felt cornered at that time, and I did the first thing that came to my mind," Sathvik said, trying to placate the overprotective brother in front of him.

The six months he worked with Ishaan, they had gotten along well. But this is a new side of Ishaan he is seeing.

The overprotective brother side.

"That is not an excuse, Sathvik. I admit, we work for you. But that doesn't give you the right to take advantage of her like that. And how could you really ask her to marry you? You want my sister to be a sacrifice so that you can gain custody of your niece," Ishaan asked.

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