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"Debaa," Muskaan squealed as she toddled over to Devangana in the kitchen, with Sathvik chasing her.

"Caught you!" Before Muskaan could reach Devangana, Sathvik picked her up high in the air, making Muskaan break out into peals of laughter.

"Sathee, more!" Muskaan demanded to be raised into the air again, and Sathvik did the same, making Muskaan laugh.

Devangana smiled, seeing the scene. It had been a few weeks since their marriage, and she was very, very happy in her life.

Sometimes, she wondered how she had turned out to be so lucky. She loved Muskaan, and the little girl absolutely adored her. Her in-laws loved her like their own daughter.

And her husband.

Sathvik Acharya.

He was the best thing that had happened to her in her life. He was so caring and understanding.

"How many times have I told you not to dip your finger in the batter?" Devangana asked angrily as she slapped away his hand before he could dip his finger in the cake batter again.

"Muskaan wants to taste it," Sathvik said defensively.

"Yeah, put all the blame on her," Devangana said, rolling her eyes.

Sathvik's idea had worked wonders. The red velvet cake she made for their reception party was a huge hit, and now Devangana was the most popular home baker in their social circle.

Orders had come in chunks from the very next day, and Devangana was so very happy. And now she preferred this to opening her own bakery.

Being a home baker helped her maintain the balance between her passion and her married life.

"Whose order is this?" Sathvik asked as he sat on the kitchen island with Muskaan in his arms, who became preoccupied with the pen in his pocket.

"Kapoors. Their grandson is turning six months old tomorrow. I am to make a cake in a half-circle shape," Devangana said and poured the well-beaten batter into the baking pan before putting it in the oven.

"Well, we are also invited to the party. So, you are going to get more orders," Sathvik said.

"Here. Now you can have this," Devangana said and forwarded the bowl in which she mixed the batter to Sathvik. There was still some batter sticking to the bowl, and Sathvik happily had it, sharing it with Muskaan.

"Yum yum," Muskaan said, licking her lips, making Sathvik and Devangana laugh.

"Come here. You have chocolate all over your face. Let me clean it," Devangana said.

"Haww, Deva. How shameless. How can you say this in front of Muskaan?" Sathvik asked with a mock scandalised look on his face.

"I am talking about Muskaan," Devangana said and quickly picked up Muskaan from him and turned away, but her cheeks had already turned pink.

Sathvik laughed out loud.

Sathvik's phone rang, and he saw that it was a call from Harsh uncle, their legal advisor.

"Yes, Harsh uncle?" He said as soon as he answered the call.

"Sathvik, there are some things to discuss. Can we meet?" Harsh asked.

"Sure, Harsh uncle. I will meet you in the office tomorrow morning," Sathvik said and hung up after getting a response from Harsh.

"I will give her a bath and put her to sleep," Sathvik said as he took Muskaan from Devangana.

"I will finish the icing of the cupcakes by then," Devangana said.


"Deva, where is my watch?" Sathvik yelled from the bedroom, making Devangana roll her eyes.

"You go and see what he needs. I will manage breakfast with Roop," Nilima said, and Devangana rushed to the bedroom.

"Deva, where is my hard disk?" Came the next yell before Devangana reached the bedroom.

"Stop shouting, will you?" Devangana asked angrily as she marched into the bedroom.

"What took you so long? How many times did I call you? Where is my watch?" He asked as he kept his laptop in its bag.

Devangana walked towards the dressing table, took the watch, and brought it close to his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Sathvik asked with a frown.

"This is your watch. It was right in front of you," Devangana pointed out.

"I might have missed it while searching," Sathvik said as he took the watch and wore it.

"How did you do all your work before marriage?" Devangana asked in annoyance.

"You were not here back then." Sathvik said.

"You mean my only use is to do your work for you?" Devangana asked, with her hands on her hips.

"What? When did I say that?" Sathvik asked in bewilderment.

"That's how it sounded."

"Trust a woman to twist the words and blame men," Sathvik muttered under his breath.

"You said something?" Devangana asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

"You heard something?" Sathvik asked cheekily, making Devangana huff.

"Well, did you see my hard disk?" Sathvik asked, searching for it in the cupboard.

"You took it to the study yesterday to upload some files from the system. Remember?" Devangana asked.

"Oh yeah. What would I do without you, Devangana Acharya?" Sathvik asked, pulling Devangana into a hug.

"Nothing. Nothing at all," Devangana answered, making Sathvik laugh.

"Okay. Time for me to leave," Sathvik said.

"Will you come home for lunch?" Devangana asked.

"I don't think so. There is a meeting after eleven in the morning. I don't know how long it will last. Also, I have to meet Harsh uncle in the morning," Sathvik said.

"Okay," Devangana said sulkily.

"If the meeting gets over early, I will call you. You bring lunch for us to the office," Sathvik said, and Devangana nodded happily.

"And we can stop by my penthouse on the way back. I need to get some things from there," Sathvik said.

"What penthouse?" Devangana asked in confusion.

"I have an apartment in the city. Sometimes, I stay there." Sathvik said.

"You do?" Devangana asked.

"I am twenty-nine, Deva. I sometimes need my privacy. So, I will go there and stay a couple of days. It has been a while since I went there. Not since Muskaan came. Let me see, a long weekend is coming. We can go there and stay for a couple of days." Sathvik said.

"Okay," Devangana nodded.

"Take care, sweetheart," Sathvik said and kissed her on both cheeks before leaving.


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