Chapter 36

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His face color was like the incoming storm, terrifyingly heavy.

Xiao Ziqi who was held forcibly by the neck only felt today was really f*cked up! First the plan with Lin Ji went to hell, and now his agent was also here to cause trouble?

His fingers clawed at the hand that pressed him down. The strength of that hand was frightening and didn’t show any signs of loosening.

Panicking in his heart, Xiao Ziqi immediately realized something was not right. His eyes blinked and two drops of boiling hot tears landed on the back of that hand: “Ge… don’t you trust me anymore?”

His gaze was miserable, but between hurried gasps for breath he was still as eloquent as before: “This… this came from playing truth and dare. If it wasn’t, then why would I reveal it so casually for you to see…”

The strength on Xiao Ziqi’s neck gradually decreased. The agent’s pupil’s fluctuated with uncertainty, as if he were considering the trustworthiness of Xiao Ziqi’s words.

Xiao Ziqi took the chance to strike while the iron was hot and hastily continued to say: “Ge, if you don’t believe me, you can go ask Director Niu. They… they were all there….”

The pressure on his neck relaxed.

Xiao Ziqi instantly collapsed to the floor, panting for air. Inhaling such a large amount of air gave him a coughing fit. A big hand was immediately placed on his back. Xiao Ziqi flinched, then immediately softened his body, and looked back with a tearful gaze: “Ge, so you do trust me.”

The agent remained quiet. The two people were immersed in the silence. The atmosphere in the room felt warm with a hidden undercurrent.

Xiao Ziqi secretly grinded his teeth while deciding in his heart. Once today is over, he definitely will have to increase the agent’s good impression of himself again! (Note: this ‘increase’ is the same increase in other transmigration novels where the MC has to gain someone’s favor/love and the system calculates the progress in points/percentage for them. Although the author doesn’t really specify here if this was a system requirement for XQZ to do or anything so we’ll have to see in the future?)

After Lin Ji returned, he informed his new agent, Gao Ning, what happened at the closing party. When Gao Ning finished listening, she scoffed coldly: “I knew that Xiao Ziqi wasn’t anything good. Take a look at this.”

She threw a heavy file over. It contained information about a while ago when Xiao Ziqi hired a water army to deal with Lin Ji. However, with her watching like a hawk, naturally Xiao Ziqi wasn’t successful. Gao Ning saved all of this evidence, just in case one day in the future, Xiao Ziqi tries to do something else.

Lin Ji quickly read through the documents, his heavy face carrying a hint of puzzlement: “Why is he so...obsessed with me?”

In terms of popularity, although Xiao Ziqi’s plans resulted in bad news coverage twice before, he somehow managed to avoid any lasting damage in the end.

And plus, Lin Ji didn’t really do anything to offend him, right?

Speaking truthfully, the 30 million male lead was a result of Xiao Ziqi’s own deliberate pretense. Lin Ji just happened to agree daringly which resulted in the role falling to him.

Gao Ning disagreed: “Doesn’t this occur often in the entertainment circle? However, this Xiao Ziqi’s real personality and his outward appearance really differs like heaven and earth. He looks so pure and innocent outside, but his schemes are d*rty as h*ll.”

Lin Ji made a noise in agreement: “He wasn't simple from the start.” The different attitudes that Rong Qing had towards Xiao Ziqi before and after was already clear evidence of this.

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