🦋 Enemy 🦋

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Too much silence

Way to much silence in Hassan's opinion, he felt suffocated in this car with only the sound of the car driving.

How will he be able to live his entire life with another woman if he felt like dying before even geting maried ?

Why was he so attached to Elmas ? Why was he feeling all these feelings ? Why when he didn't even know the girl that much ?

Just thinking about her meeting another guy made his heart burn, his heart wouldn't be able to bear the image of her geting maried to another man and he had to do something and forget about all of this.

His life was already planned by his mother and he agreed.

Seing his family was something he really did not feel like meeting at the moment.

Driving up to Ifran's house he got his phone and called him.

" Come out, I'm waiting outside " he said as soon as his friend picked up the phone.

" Wha- " not leaving the time for Ifran to answer he ended the call.

After a few minutes he could see his friend lazily walking up to his car.

" Wtf Hassan ! Why would you end the call like that !? " Ifran said opening the door and geting in.

" Oh it's okay dude calm down "

" You litle shit what do you want ? "

" how are you ? " Hassan asked.

" Dude I should be the one asking you that but if you want to know that much I'm good "

Sighing Hassan decided to first address the fight they had days ago.

" Look Ifran I'm sorry I did hide a few things from you..."

" it's okay this is not important Hassan "

" Yes it is, it's been on my mind on top of everything else and I want to at last to make this right. I said to myself multiples times that I would tell you I swear I did...but everytimes I would try words wouldn't come out. "

" it's something really important to me and although I know I broke the promise we made I'm asking you to please let me tell you when I'm ready, is that okay ?" Hassan said looking at him with begging eyes .

" I'm sorry too...I shouldn't have acted that way, I should be the one to know how hard it is to tell someone important things and as you best friend I should have listened to you..."

" Ifran I would have reacted the same way if I was you so don't worry " giving his friend a smile he opened his arm
" hug ? "

" Dude I'm not giving you a hug tf get off me ! " although trying to get Hassan off him he ended up giving in " okay that's enough get of now ! "

Laughing Hassan said " I'm sorry again " making Ifran roll his eyes " stop now you go more important things right now "

" Has your head been hurting you lately ? " he asked.

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