🦋 Wrong But Feels Right 🦋

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You know those days when you're just so tired that you want to stay in your room all day under your covers with netflix on the tv and food around ?

Well yeah...let's just say it is one of those days for Hassan right now.

" Come on uncle walk faster we have to go ! " says Emad his 6 years old nephew while dragging him down the stairs.

" I'm coming little head, I'm coming ! Just stop pulling my hand if you don't want me to end up with one arm , okay ? " Hassan pated his head.

" Sorry uncle but you're taking too much time "

" I just woke up let's eat some breakfast first then we will go okay ? "Nodding the litle kids went ahead running leaving his uncle behind.

It was actually eight am and Hassan was regretting sleeping so late last night....
Walking into the kitchen he found his mother and sister in law and as expected they were making breakfast like every other days.

"As-Salaam-Alaikum " he said to them, for a moment he forgot how his mother and him weren't that close and walked in her direction planing on giving a kiss on the forehead but stopped himself, he ended up only giving a smile to his sister in law .

"Wa-Alaikum-Salaam " they greeted him back .

" Did you sleep well ? " asked his mother with her back facing him while she continued to cook eggs.

" Yes mom I did , where is Mohammed ? " he asked her

" He's upstairs in the bathroom " said his sister in law, Laila .

Not long after she said those words, Mohammed , his brother got into the kitchen dressed simply, a white t-shirt with a pair of black pant and messy hair, seing his brother dressed so simple was still surprising to Hassan as he just couldn't get used to see him this way, it was not everyday they would see him like that, most of the time he was dressed in a suit ready to go working .

The brothers relation was really weird, they would rarely talk to each other and when they did, it was about work and nothing else .

Hassan remember perfectly the day their brotherhood ended and he missed the past very much, when they would laught together and joke around, when they would tease their litle sister Aida just for them to then go and play soccer with their father....

Their father....he died in a car accident long ago, and even after 10 years of living without him everytime Hassan would think about him he would miss him amd he would feel the guilt in his heart grow making him regret everything that happened in the past....

At that time Mohammed was 20 years old and Hassan 16 years old wich obviously Mohammed being the oldest became the ceo of the Company their father left behind .

They worked together at the same company the only diference was that the big brother was at the highest position and Hassan was just behind.

"As-Salaam-Alaikum " greeted Mohammed .

"Wa-Alaikum-Salaam " said everyone greeting him back .

As the sat down and began to eat his mother began a conversation with his brother just as usual " How was your night my son ? " and once again Hassan would see the diferent behaviour his mother had towards his brother.

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