Panicking -Chapter 19-

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Nightmare's POV

There was no note, there was no trace of him! He left nothing about where he was going. No one broke in because everyone was in the living room, plus you could have heard the break in. That and the door was unlocked as well.

I darted for the door and ran out in yesterday's clothes. I was determined to find Ink. I ran down the path and bumped into two skeletons. Well I actually stoped when I saw them, I didn't physically ran into them.
"What are you doing here?" Snapped the question at both Error and Blue. Blue threw his hands up, as if I caught him red-handed in an act.
Error spoke up, "We came looking for you," he start "It's about Ink. He went out for a walk and Dream caught him" Blue finished. I looked at both of them. "Where did this happen?" I asked. Error pointed down the old stone pathway. I walked down the path to find Dream's round star pin he always wears. So he was here and that means Dream does have Ink locked up again.

"So what do we do now?" I asked. Error looked at the pin.
"Well, Blue is the only one who can enter the house, because Dream doesn't know about Blue helping Ink out," Error started, "And Dream has a spell cast over the house, so no one can use magic to get out, but they can get in using magic" Blue finished. I knew if I teleported in, I would have a risk of getting Ink hurt if Dream got in the way.

"So what do we do?" I asked. I didn't know how to get around Dream's home, but I knew it was possible. I just couldn't do alone.
"We can wait till later and Blue can knock on the door. That way Dream would be forced to stop what he is doing and come answer the door," Error said, Blue nodded, "And you will be an escape runner. Meaning you will be waiting outside the house where Dream won't know about you, and will have a portal open and ready," he finished his quick plan.
"Then that leaves you to get Ink out," I started, "Wait, how will you get him out? His window has bars on them." Blue asked.
"Are they installed from the outside?" Error asked. Blue nodded yes. "Then you see, I take them off and get Ink out" Error said.
"I don't think I can hold Dream off for very long, he is much more stronger than me" Blue stated. It's true, Dream is stronger.
"Well then, change the plan just a little. Both of you will be at the door. Blue will knock and you," he points at me, "will be behind him, but not to close so Dream doesn't see you," Error ended. I nodded and so did Blue. "And I will yell when I got him out, so you two can open portals for your escape. I will take Ink through a portal and we all will meet up where we bumped into each other," Error finished telling his plan. It seem reasonable and simple to do. The three of us agreed to wait till half an hour to nine at night. That way, we won't even seen.

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