Chapter 33: Transmitter

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"Excellent," Norman uttered while gazing at a paper. "The information that we have here is enough to create an escape plan. All we need is a strategy. The only problem is this..." Norman pointed at the word that is written in the paper. "The transmitter."

"I've searched all over my body and there aren't any scars that indicate something was implanted," Emma uttered when she heard the word transmitter.

"We tried to search in our clothes, but we found none." Norman glanced at Ray. "The Notebook never states anything about it," He said with a solemn tone. "Although this notebook is informational, there are things that aren't in this notebook."

The Black-haired boy tried to hide his reaction when Norman announced it. Ray knows that there was a hidden meaning behind those lines. However, the boy remained silent and continued to listen.

'The notebook is filtered and it is intentional.'

It is obvious that Conny knows more than what was written in the notebook. However, she didn't write some information in the notebook, and Norman is certain that it is all intentional. There must be a reason behind it.

What might be the reason for it?

There is only one reason that Norman could think of at this moment.

A secret smile appeared on Norman's lips. His eyes went to Ray, who was currently silent. Ray could feel that glance, but he didn't bother to react to it. After all, He has an idea of why Norman is looking like that at him.

Ray would be disappointed if his suspicion is wrong. Clues are placed on the table. From the day that Norman snitched to Conny and told Ray about her plan, he should've suspected Ray's connection to Isabella. 

'The book is filtered to help the Spy.'

Of course, Norman knows.

He suspected it from the moment that he discovered the truth behind the orphanage. Norman noticed that Conny was filtering some information to Ray. He also observed the interactions between Isabella and Ray.

It may be hard to believe it, but Ray is Mom's pawn.

However, the fact that Ray tried to help Conny means that he can be their ally. She is also helping Ray to keep his secret. If Norman will interpret this situation, Conny knows his secret but still trust Ray.

And if Emma will also know about this, Norman is sure that she would the same thing. After all, Emma wanted to save all of their siblings. On top of that, Ray is also their friend. Emma will not leave Ray for that reason.

This situation is not as bad as it seems to be. The truth is Norman could take advantage of it. He can easily manipulate the information that will be leaked out to Isabella. In that way, the probability of escaping would be higher.

'If they will trust Ray, then I should too,' Norman thought. He tapped his fingers at the table with a calm expression. 'Now, how should I confront him?' He asked himself.

"If that's the case, then it's going to be difficult to identify the location and mechanism of the tracker," Ray suddenly uttered. "In my calculations, It must be something ultra-small that wouldn't leave any scars in our body with batteries that might last for ten years,"

Norman stopped thinking as he listened to Ray's explanation. He should focus on their topic first. 

Norman slightly nodded his head as he placed his hands in his chin. "It's more likely they're using specific technologies from Demons," He said while analyzing the information that Ray spouted.

"So...Checkmate...?" Emma suddenly mumbled while holding the notebook in her hands.

Ray stared at Emma for a while. "Yup," He answered with a bored expression. The boy crossed both of his arms before averting his eyes somewhere.

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