Chapter 34: An Event

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H-How did I end up like this?

I gulped while looking at the woman with an intimidating physique in front of me. There was a big smile on her face while looking down at me. I unconsciously took a step backward with a nervous smile on my face.

"A-Are you Sister Krone?" I asked which indicates hesitation. My eyes went to Grandma who was only standing on the other side. There was a strange smile on her face while staring in our direction. 

"It was real. There was really the youngest student who was studying under Grandma," She concluded before bending her body to lean on me. "So you're the little kid from Gracefield Orphanage. A child that was under Ma'am Isabella."


"HOW WONDERFUL ❤~" Sister Krone exclaimed. I almost jolted my body because of the shock. She suddenly placed her big hands on my plumpy cheeks before squeezing them. I was kinda surprised because her hands were actually warm and comfortable.

I-- mean... she's not really scary, but her behavior can sometimes make you jolt. 

"Such a pity that an adorable child would stay in this place," Sister Implied with a smile on her face. She suddenly leaned closer to my ears as she whispered something to me. "If I were your Mom, I wouldn't bring you here that early," Krone asserted. 

I paused when I heard that from her. 

As I expected, Sister Krone is indeed competitive. It wasn't a surprise if she will say something like that. However, her tone, her face, her actions, it makes my body jolty. 


"Eh?" I squealed when she suddenly yanked at me. 

"Krone, enough with that," Grandma suddenly spoke with a warning. Her eyes went to the window of her office. The dark sky outside was currently full of stars which made it pretty. "We are here to discuss your promotion. Let's do it quickly, the child has to sleep earlier."

The woman immediately stand straight as she placed her hand in her chest. "Yes, Grandma," Sister Krone replied respectfully. "Conny needs to grow taller~," She beamed with a large smile before patting my head.

I just nodded softly when I felt her warm hand on my head. Although Mama Isabella's warmth is different from Sister Krone's, It's so comfortable and warm. It makes me remember Mama Isabella, 

Ah right, What am I doing here anyway?

I don't know either.

Grandma Sarah told me yesterday that I would attend the meeting with her if I wanted to meet Sister Krone. However, I don't know her intention of doing this thing. Is this a test or something? 

"The day of your arrival to the Orphanage is already scheduled," Grandma Sarah started to talk. "I am hoping that you would do a great job, Krone," Her hands went to the pile of paper on her table. "However, that is not the reason why I called you here."

Grandma glanced at me. "The Head was currently impressed with Conny's performance in her past tests," She paused before giving me a strange smile. "A special event would happen on the day of Tifari because of her."


"Ti...fari?" I unconsciously mumbled.

"Tifari? Are you serious, Grandma?" A surprising reaction appeared on Sister Krone's face. "Do you mean the head?" She asked before returning her gaze to me. "and this child?"

"You know that you cannot think of her as a normal child," Grandma let out a clack. She handed the paper in her hands to Sister Krone. "After all, she deceived Isabella for years thinking that she's just a normal child. Secretly grabbing information about the orphanage."

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