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A/N: Hey there guys, it's been a while heh... heh... soooo I fixed up the book and it's going to be slow. Seeing as everyone decides to interrupt me (and anime is offered because I finally have internet!) so you can probably guess why things have been slow. Totally not an Otaku. But since I care, I'll try this again. I might also be embarrassed, why I have no clue! Also, this may say Ben x reader but it's not in a romantic way. It's more of a thriller way I suppose? Everyone will see once I fix up the next couple of chapters. Anyway, here you go! Cheesecake out!

The Unwelcomed Guest - Prologue

The wind danced through the leaves. Swaying branches creaked as a cloudy night went by. It wasn't like other nights with the constant arguing with (Name's) parents. In fact, tonight was too quiet for (Name).

(Name) sat on her bed, she was reading a book. She was currently reading a book about adventures. Tales from heroes that (Name) had fallen in love with. She was imagining what it would be like if she had her own adventure. As those thoughts slowly slipped away, (Name) placed a bookmark in her book and sat her book down on her desk. She stretched as she got up from her desk chair and flopped on top of her bed. She decided that tomorrow she would have her own adventure. For now, though, it would be best to get some rest.

(Name) woke up to the smell of toast. She jumped out of bed as her stomach began to growl. It was as if her stomach was demanding her to get out of bed and feed it. (Name) giggled at the thought of her stomach giving commands. Before going downstairs, (Name) got ready for the day.

As (Name) came from the hallway, her mother was just setting the eggs and toast on the table. Her father sat in the chair reading his newspaper. Her little brother, Jake, was already at the table gobbling down the food.

"Good morning." (Name) greeted as she seated herself at the table.

Jake smiled at (Name). That was his way of saying 'good morning' back.

"Good morning sweetie." Her mother said as she placed down the bacon. She then took a seat at the table.

Her father just smiled at her. (Name) now understood where Jake got this from.

The morning was peaceful and (Name) was happy. After breakfast, (Name) decided that she would go on her adventure. A morning walk would be a good start to her adventure. This walk should help (Name) settle down after the good breakfast she just had. (Name) had to admit, it was delicious.

As (Name) walked along by the park, she spotted something on the ground. (Name) walked towards the object. Curiosity was flowing through her veins. She reached the object and saw that it was a... game? A game cartridge. (Name) hasn't seen one of these in a while. She noted the fact that it was strange to leave a game cartridge outside. Especially since it looked brand new. It only had a few minor scratches on it. It looked like it could still function. (Name) decided to pick it up and take it home with her. What could be so bad?

(Name) went home and when she got there, she went to her room right away. She flipped on her TV and began to set up her game console. (Name) cleaned the cartridge and gently placed it in the game console. Grabbing the controller, (Name) plopped down on the floor, waiting for the fun to begin.

The game title popped up. (Name) blinked in surprise as she read the title of the game, 'Majora's Mask'. She had been looking for this game for a long time and finally, she had it in her hands. A big smile began to spread across her face. (Name) began to play the game. She was having so much fun, she was practically caught up in the game that (Name) missed lunch. Eventually, her father came in and had to pry (Name) from the game. After he got her out of her room, he didn't turn off the TV nor the game console.

~ Meanwhile in (Name's) room ~

The TV screen flickered. The screen began to flash different colors. The flashing stopped as the screen stopped at the static that was now on the TV. A soft screeching noise had emerged from the static screen. A hand hit the inside of the screen and a small snicker became audible through the soft screeching noise.

~ Back to (Name) ~

(Name) sat at the table eating her dinner as quickly as she could. She wanted to go back to playing her game. Jake sat and stared at (Name) in amazement. She really was in a hurry. (Name) patted Jake's head when she was finished eating. Then she got up to clean her dish and returned to her room.

When (Name) walked in her room, she couldn't help but feel like something was off. She shrugged it off and turned her attention to the TV. It was on a channel with just static and it made a soft screech. (Name) was puzzled. She looked closer to see what looked like a barely noticeable bloody handprint.

"Is that... on the inside?" (Name) asked herself. She blinked in confusion and the handprint was gone. She let a light sigh out.

"It's too late to play the game anyway." She looked at her room. Shrugging, (Name) grabbed her laptop and switched on her small DVD player on. She connected her laptop to the DVD player and was now able to control the YouTube on it. She began to play something on YouTube and opened another tab on her computer. (Name) just wanted to check for any college emails before bed. As (Name) was checking, she felt like she was being watched. She looked around but nothing was there. She shrugged it off and went back to checking her email. (Name's) computer would glitch every so often. (Name) sighed once more and shut down her computer.

"It's late anyway. I should just sleep." She closed everything out and turned off the TV. She placed her computer on her dresser and took another look around her room.

(Name) decided to get ready for bed. Afterward, she slid into the covers of her bed. (Name) still felt off about her room. She shook it off anyway and soon (Name) fell into a deep sleep.

"That's right, sleep... sleep while you can." said a voice in the distance. The voice started to chuckle deeply as (Name) slept peacefully. The TV flicked on to show a dark figure chuckling uncontrollably. The figure slid back into the TV's background more and disappeared. The TV flicked off, it was as if nothing happened. (Name) was now left to sleep comfortably.

A/N - If you liked this chapter, please vote and comment your feedback! It is really appreciated and I am always looking for help to grow as an author! Thank you so much!

The Unwelcomed Guest (Ben x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon