Chapter 1.

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"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen do you know that? "

" You didn't answer my calls for a whole day! How can you torture me like that! "

"Happy birthday to the angel I've loved for 7 years and will continue to love for 700 more" 

" You're my world"

" You are the highlight of my day "

"I'll love you forever Sia"

That was it, she couldn't control her tears anymore.

She was trying to pack her things while his memories were all she could think of

Her tears just won't stop. She fell down on the ground and cried. Her vigorous
Crys making her shoulder shake. Her whole body ached but this physical pain was nothing compared to the emotional pain she was feeling. Eventually Her already aching eyes  closed and darkness consumed her.

It's been almost an hour since her cries stopped.
He has been fighting the urge to go and check what she's upto. It's been too silent for so long.

Is she okay?

No matter how whipped he was by her sister

She was still his wife

His responsibility

His feet guided him to their bedroom on it's own.

He was scared she was gonna do something stupid.

She has ways been like that

Too soft, too fragile

Carefully walking, trying to be as quiet as possible he reached the bedroom.

He went to knock but found the door already open. He slowly stepped in but stopped dead in his track as soon as his gaze fell on his wife.

There she was, on the floor. Her eyes closed, she looked so lifeless

His heart sank

His mind wrapping itself around the worst case scenarios

No this can't be

Seeing his wife in such condition his body reacted on its own

In a matter of seconds he was by her side, he's picked her frame and secured her in his arms
Shaking her vigorously , just to see her open those eyes again

She felt her body shook causing her to let out a groan and slowly open her eyes making him still . She couldn't believe her eyes

Is she dead already?

Was she really in his arms again?

Was it all a nightmare?

She tried to speak but no words came out . She just kept staring at his face trying to register everything

But her little hope came crashing down when he monotonously got up and looked around 

"I.. I thought you were hurt or something" He muttered

She was still seated on the floor looking up at him

He sensed that she wasn't gonna say anything anytime soon so he uttered the words that first came to his mouth

Without even realising how hurtful they were

"Are you done? "

He asked gesturing his hands towards her suitcase and her things that were lying all over the bed

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