Chapter 14

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"It's okay... I'm here"

I unconsciously tightened my hold on him as if it was possible but I was grateful that Justin didn't say anything about it, instead he returned the gesture.

Taking a sigh of relief as my heavy eyes began closing and I was drifted into a deep slumber

I don't know how long I was asleep before the unbearable pressure in my bladder woke me up.

My vision was kinda blurry as I open my eyes to look up at the plain white hospital wall.

Instantly recalling the series of events that happened with in the last 24 hours. But strangely I couldn't cry no more. I think I ran out of tears. I was just empty. I could feel nothing except for the rising pressure in my bladder.

It was just when I was about to sit up, I noticed a comparatively large arm wrapped around me holding me in place causing me to turn my head to my side to look at its owner


His eyes closed and his pink plump lips formed in a little pout

He was lying on his stomach which was partially over my body as his hand kept me in place

What the actual f...?

But then I recalled how he held me when I needed to be held.

A small smile formed on my face as I kept looking at him and mentally thanking him.
He provided me warmth when I needed it the most.
I'll be forever grateful that he was here.

But I am not going to give in to my feelings. I know these are temporary. I respect what he did for me today but I also remember what he did to me before that.

I am not going to forget the disrespect, the way he treated me as if I was a piece of trash. As if I was worthless

My smile faded and my face turned emotionless as I began sitting up. Not really caring if I woke him up.
Which I eventually did.

All the shuffling from me caused him to let out a groan before his eyes opened.
I saw how his eyebrows knitted together as he looked in nowhere particular before he slightly rose his head and made eye contact with me causing his eyes to get widen and him to sit up straight immediately.

He cleared his throat as he ran his hand through his messy hair before a yawn left his mouth causing his eyes to wide some more and his cheek to redden in embarrassment.


Sia.. NO

"I-" He began speaking in his raspy voice but I cut him off

"I need to pee" I said emotionlessly looking at him

He looked surprised for a second before he nodded and stood up

No, I'm not going to the washroom with you

But before I could protest, he turned around and left

My mouth hung open in shock

Mr. Asshole is back

So was it all an act? Are we back to square one?

I took a deep sigh of disappointment before I decided to tie my hair in a bun and get going

But I stopped when I saw a nurse coming in my room with a wheelchair

"You needed to pee? " She asked

I nodded. Too shocked to say anything

"I'll take you to the bathroom " The nurse said politely

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