𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚃𝚘𝚖 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚅𝚎𝚗𝚞𝚜

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'But Professor I don't get it, why couldn't she just return the book?' Hermione questions

'Power and love, she loved Tom and wanted to do everything for him to love her back. Even if it does mean killing Mrytle Warren in June' Dumbledore walks around his office. The trio followed his every move.

'Did she feel any guilt? Why didn't she just turn him in?' Harry asks

'It's not that easy, once you get lured into his trap. You can't ever get out. Yes I assume she did, but was immune to it.' Dumbledore smiled weakly

'About my Boggart...it was them, it was a sort of memory' Harry went on

'Go on' Dumbledore catches Harry's eye

'It was them...it was when they came up with Tom's new name.' Harry looked down

'Dumbledore did no teacher ever have any suspicions?' Ron spoke up

'I did, but everyone else saw right though him. I have questioned him many times on various occasions' Dumbledore picked up a book

'She was the mastermind, she found the chamber. She did everything for Tom.' Dumbledore told them

'Did he do anything for her?' Hermione asks

'He did, mainly of the physical kind. And....I think you know, but we will not get into that' he laughed nervously

'But anything out of love? Like flowers or—'

'Tom wasn't the kind to show love. Even if it had things to do with chocolates or flowers. He showed it in a more, let's say his way' Dumbledore answered

'So she didn't even warn anybody? Not even tell any teachers?' Harry states

'She was scared she'd get expelled for being in on this whole thing. So she didn't want to risk it, education was her top priority' Dumbledore smiled at the round glasses boy

'Did they, have the Triwizard tournament when they were at school?' Hermione asked

'Yes they did, she did compete and ended up winning it. She was the Triwizard champion of 1945, I have a picture' Dumbledore strides over to his shelf of pictures and came back with four people standing in a line looking horrendous. She was there, still looking pretty.

'Was Tom ever proud of her, if she accomplished all of that.' Ron laid back eating a cauldron cake

'He was, don't get me wrong. Tom could feel like everyone else.' Dumbledore laughed

Harry had entered the tournament, and it was not good. He was older up frankly by who knows.

'I can't believe it still, so what did he do about the dairy?' Harry asked

'He kept it, soon he gave it away to some other deatheater. Who soon came into the hands of Ginny Weasley' Dumbledore sucked on a lemon drop

'Well he probably gave it to Lucius Malfoy. Did she even get the same O.W.L's as Tom?' Hermione asked

'Yes, yes she did. Exceptional students they were. Too bad they turned evil.' Dumbledore shook his head

'They just got consumed by darkness. Which is sad, they could if had good futures. Very good futures. Mainly to one of them mainly Venus to become Minister. I could see her going down that path' he looked into the distance

'Minister? Would she make the world better?' Harry inched forward

'For the good. If she was in charge you wouldn't stand as much of the backlash as you get' Dumbledore exclaimed

'I know, the prophet has been targeting Harry since the start, it's barbaric' Hermione huffed

'Quite so Miss Granger. But if Ravenclaw was here...she would of settled things down, but it was Tom, being his manipulative self. He made her believe things he didn't mean' Dumbledore looked around

'How? She's a Ravenclaw she can't be that deluded' Ron rolled his eyes

'Oh but she was more deluded in the idea of love. Her ideas with her and Tom was all in her mind. But she never knew their scheme was to become a whole lot bigger than it was' Dumbledore eyes Ron

'Tom loved her..but didn't love her?' Hermione says confused

'Confused? Should be. He loved her, well she was smart. Everything Tom is not. But he didn't love that she would one day leave this world and he would have nobody by his side.'

'But he as Bellatrix, his right hand woman.' Hermione huffed

'That was after everything. He never moved on, if you say any of this too him he would rage. He never liked talking about her, it made him..feel vulnerable' Dumbledore looked at his hands

'Because he loved her, he let her go?' Harry smiled

'Yes. He would frankly on her birthday, go to her grave. Alone. I don't blame Tom, she was remarkable and he....he felt like he knew someone' Dumbledore looked sad

'Their love was deep? But confusing' Hermione looked around

'Very deep, very. Deepest of all kinds. Their bond was unbreakable. But of course death rules over because she left this world along with Tom's love. That's when he turned heartless once more. Like when someone melts ice, but freezes it again.' The headmaster gave a blank expression

'Did you ever see him smile?' Hermione asked

'Yes, more than ever with her. She was the one able to do such things with Tom. Known as Voldemort. But after, no. Only if it is torturing or killing someone. But every person he kills hurts Venus even more, like a stab in the heart' Dumbledore made hand gestures

'But she's dead. She can't feel pain' Harry looked at Dumbledore

'But she thought killing one was absurd. But he is killing for her. For their plan to succeed. But she didn't want him to kill anyone after what happened with Mrytle, ever since Tom killed after that. She would be traumatised with the memory of her best friend.' Dumbledore then told the trio to leave

And get on with their day.

LOL srry is didnt update for like a day! I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you!

Ty for reading <33

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