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September twenty sixth, fourteen twenty.

When Amity woke up, she heard a knock on her door, "Muh..?" Amity groaned, lifting her head up a bit, looking over.

"Princess? Are you up?"


"Yes Princess, it's me. Are you ready to go?"

Amity scrambled out of bed, rushing to her closet, "In a minute! Just wait there!"

"Yes Princess."

Amity's clothes were thrown as she slid new ones on, sliding on her short heels, rushing to her door. She swung it open, looking to her right, linking her arm around Luz's. "Morning! Are we heading out?" Amity asked.

Luz nodded, rubbing her eyes, covering her mouth as she yawned, leading the way. "We're allowed to use the stallions today Princess..We can go farther out as long as we are back before dusk." Luz spoke. "So do make wise choices.."

Amity nodded, "Right."


"Princess please– If we don't go now we'll be late–" Luz tried to grab Amity, missing. "Your highness--"

"Luz doesn't that smell so good-?" Amity pointed to the stand. "What is that?-"

"New. Called Popped Kernels." The vendor said, holding out a small bag. "Try?"

Amity took one, popping it in her mouth, munching on it and humming, "Some salt would go great with that- How much?"

"Two snails one bag."

Amity ransacked her pockets, handing two snails over, taking the bag, looking up at her guard. "Luz you're shaking–" Amity moved her hand up to the human's cheek. "Are you okay?-"

The guard trembled, "Yeah– I'm alright Princess, I-I promise– J..Just agree with my words on the papers today please.."

Amity nodded, "Of course! If you'll let me review it on our way back.."

"Yes your highness, can we go now..?"

Amity handed her bag of popped corn to Luz, whistling, a neigh coming from far off. A horse galloped over, nuzzling Amity, chuffing in her face, "Who's a good horsie~?"

"Pprrrft-" The stallion snorted, blowing raspberry in Amity's face.

Luz adjusted her bag, getting on the stallion, pulling Amity up, fixing the reins. "Be a good stallion and get the princess to the castle quickly yeah?" Luz pat it's side.

The stallion whinnied, and charged forward, following a path, panting quietly as it ran.


Amity glanced up at Luz, then back ahead, growing uneasy. "Luz..?"

"..Yes your highness?" Luz said in a tone that sounded hurt, yet struggling to keep it's composure.

Amity squeezed the guard's arm, "Are you okay..?"

Luz took a small breath, letting Amity's arm go, gently squeezing her hand, kissing her knuckles. "I hope I will be.." Luz smiled nervously at the princess, attempting to keep back her fear. "Good knight, Amity..I'll..I'll see you in the morning.."

The guard walked past Amity, the princess looking back at her, beginning to tremble. The guard placed her hand on the handle, pulling the door open, about to step out, "Luz– A-Are you going to be okay--"

She stopped, slouching, "..I'll see you tomorrow, Princess.." Luz walked out, closing the door behind herself.

Amity bit her nail, her trembling growing a bit aggressive, "Guards--"

Four stepped out from the hidden walls, looking over at Amity, "Yes your highness?" They asked in unison.

"C..C-Can one of you go make sure Luz of the Noceda family makes it home alright--" Amity's voice quavered, the witch's ears slanting.

The guards looked amongst eachother, silently agreeing on one guard, three returning to their spots. The second biggest of the bunch walked towards the door, opening it, turning and bowing to Amity before stepping out and closing the door. Amity slowly walked upstairs to her room, staying silent as she made her way over.


Amity gazed at the book in her lap, opening it up. "No more postponing, it's time to finish it.." Amity said to herself, flipping a couple hundred pages.

The princess stopped on a page she recognized, looking down at the words. Amity spent a good while gazing at the words, trying to focus, but every thought led to Luz. "Is she going to be okay..?" Amity said quietly. "I don't..I-Is she--"

Amity bit her lower lip, letting out a choked cry, "I haven't known her for long-- She's done so much for me–" Amity closed the book, getting out of bed, rushing to her door.

She slid on her slippers, opening the door, "Princess-"

"AH WALTER-" Amity scrambled back. "YOU SCARED ME-"

The guard drew back, "Apologies my princess- Deepest apologies-- What are you doing? Where are you going?"

Amity caught her breath, glaring at Walter, clenching her shirt. "I want you to look for a guard I sent out to go see Luz Noceda."

Walter looked around, uttering a few words before bowing, and running down the hall. Amity went back to her bed, lighting a lantern, waiting.

It took about a lap around her room ten times for him to come back, Walter showing off the guard. He was beat up, his armor had been penetrated and dirtied, his face freshly healed. "What..?" Amity got up. "Happened..?"

The guard took a small breath, "She was attacked.."

    Tis, their adventure continues.

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