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October 38th, fourteen twenty.

The king narrowed his eyes, Viney shuffling on her heels, wishing never to endure the glares of her new king again. "I am to assume you're not, in fact a spy?" The king rose a brow.

"Yes- I was sent by my king, Eberwolf The Huntsman! I'm a healer and I care for animals." Viney smiled, a bit more confident. "I've come to introduce myself before my King's letter arrives."

The newsman walked in, offering a letter to Alador, the king opening it up, unfolding it and reading the note. "Viney. Witch, young, courtable, not expendable.." Alador looked to Viney, humming. "You might be of use to me.."

"Oh uh-" Viney cleared her throat. "My King for an odd reason, only allows me to court women..? We are not allowed to replace our documents so it is permanent.."

Alador rubbed his chin, muttering softly to himself, "Amity is optional.."

"I thought she was with the intelligent guard?" Viney glanced behind Alador. "Can protect the princess with such ease it's," Viney narrowed her eyes. "Charming."

"I suppose..But she is not of royalty.." Alador rubbed his chin.

"You promised Luz she would be able to court the princess, didn't you?" Viney tilted her head, watching as Amity scurried away with her sign.

Alador paused, then clicked his tounge, "But Amity is too young to become queen.." Alador perked. "Viney, how would you like to court my daughter?"

"I'm not courting Amity-"

"No no, the other one, more capable. Uh-" He snapped. "Emira?"

"What-" The first-born princess looked over, walking out of her room. "Another courter..?" She slumped.

"I uh-" Viney cleared her throat. "I do not wish to court someone unwilling.."

Alador waved her off, "She bows to me, she'll court who I tell her to."

Emira drew back, lowering her head. Viney fixed her posture, "Alright then. I won't agree to court the princess."

Alador turned to her, Emira lighting up and smiling brightly, "You're under my rule now, so-"

"I'll give her a chance." Emira walked over, circling Viney. "Caring enough, lovely build.."

"Princess, I was doing this for you. You don't have to agree for the sake of the king, please do what you wish." Viney uttered.

"Don't worry. You'll help me tons." Emira grabbed Viney's waist. "For now, walk with me."

Viney gulped, "T-This isn't how you normally waLK-"

Emira pulled Viney close, wrapping an arm around her waist, "We'll be off!" Emira dragged Viney to her bedroom.

The door was closed, remaining shut til the later hours of the day.

. . .

Amity snuck around the corner, glancing about before rushing to the door. "And where," A guard grabbed Amity. "Are you off to princess?"

"NooOo!" Amity reached for the doorknob. "I'll be just a minute I promise!"

"Mhm." The guard rose a brow. "Off to bed Princess."

"Please Steve!" Amity leaned back. "You know just as well as I do the Nocedas are too kind-"

Steve paused, "I do. But I can't let you leave without Luz."

Your Highness~ [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora