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Chapter 6

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Nicky's scent grew stronger as we approached a side road, so I slowed down and examined it from the driver's seat.

To keep Daniel appraised, I said, "There's another road connecting to this one, and there's a lot of tracks on it."

"With Nicky's scent right here," Daniel added, "they likely turned since she did that the last two times. I can smell the Stronghold from here, so we have to be getting close."

"My thoughts exactly."

I turned down the gravel road; after all this time, almost none of the small rocks remained, so it was more like a packed dirt-and-rock track with plenty of dips and rises that didn't quite count as potholes. Some effort had been made to fix these, which was a sure sign of nearby human habitation.

Right on cue, I could smell another of Nicky's clues. Several of the men's scents lingered in the ditches in various places, some even months old, evidence the Stronghold we were approaching was the one they had originated from.

On one hand, I was pissed this group had reached their destination before we caught up to them, but on the other hand, we had finally found them.

"Can you tell how far away we are?" Daniel inquired. The mattress creaked as he shifted his weight.

I leaned out the window and took a deep breath. "We're about a ten-minute drive away at this speed. Let's see if we can get closer, then I'll leave you to guard these two while I scope out the place and look for an easy way in."

"Also check how many guns are present," Daniel added. "I'm not too concerned about arrows, but most guards have a rifle, excellent aim, and are trained to shoot at the head of an attacking zombie."

"I'll take a look," I promised, "although I'm hoping I can sneak Jess and Nicky out of there without them realizing we're here."

"I can't see them letting their guard down so quickly."

"Nor can I, but if we need a distraction or if you need to break part of the fence, I'll try to sneak behind the guards and knock them out so you aren't in as much danger. But you better do your best to avoid a headshot. I don't want to have to drag you all the way back here."

"I'm hoping to avoid being shot at all," Daniel retorted lightly. "If I have to come in, I'll be moving quickly and won't stop. Just in case someone is taking aim."

"Wise plan."

We fell silent, and as much as I hated doing it, I slowed down so I'd have a better chance of seeing the sentries before they saw us. The suspense grew as the minutes ticked by. I even scrutinized the trees, just in case this place also had a fascination with infrared cameras.

In the distance, I finally saw lights.

"I can see the Stronghold ahead," I told the others. "We're still a couple of miles away, so I'll keep driving for a bit, then sneak closer on foot."

Daniel's response was to shift his weight as the tension rolled off him even stronger than before. I put my sunglasses back on and kept an eye on the lights as I drove closer. Most Strongholds only kept a few lights on at night, but this place was lit up like a concert was about to take place.

"We're about half a mile away, but this is as close as I dare get. I'm going to park where the sentries won't be able to see us. Hang on."

I steered the truck off the road and drove between the trees, only stopping when we were deep enough into the forest that no one would be able to spot us, even if they drove by on the road. Turning the truck off, I left the keys in the ignition and got out.

The Virus Within: Blood Moon (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now