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Chapter 21

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"I can't believe it! You actually found a boomerang!" Nicky exclaimed as she sat down with her breakfast. "I can't wait to try it out!"

"You read the note on it, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. 'Only to be used outside the fence and not within two hundred feet of other people.' You'd think my aim was bad or something."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "I've seen your aim with a bow."

"Hey, I've improved since those early days! The donkey looked like a ribbon-covered porcupine after our last game!"

"That was the other people's arrows. Half of yours missed."

"That's a minor detail. I'm sure the donkey was shaking in its boots."

The donkey wasn't the only one...

"I'd like to try throwing it, if you don't mind," Jess said. "I've never used a boomerang before."

"Sure. I can go grab it once you're done eating."

"Work first, play later," I reminded them. Once Nicky got sidetracked, we didn't get much out of her for the rest of the day.

With a heavy sigh, Nicky gave in. "Alright. Work first. After that, we get to have fun." To Jess, she added, "And once it gets dark enough to chase us inside, you can help me figure out how to build this weird box thing Trinity left in my room."

"Box thing?"

"It looks like one of those obstacle courses made from tires that you run through, but with squares."

Jess blinked in confusion.

"It's a cubby storage shelf to put against your wall," I corrected her.

The redhead gave me a long look, then told Jess, "You know, between the storage shelf and the clothing rack, I think she's trying to hint at something."

"Maybe," Jess replied, trying not to grin.

"Now I'm beginning to see why she put a lock on her door," Nicky mumbled.

Jess furrowed her eyebrows. "When did she put them in your room?"

"No idea. I was sleeping. Apparently, Nightstalkers have ESP because she didn't step on the bells, the squeak toy, or anything else that might have made any noise – and that's quite a feat with how my floor is booby-trapped."

I turned my head away and pointedly ignored her, just in time to see one of the travelers from yesterday enter the room for breakfast.

"Is that group leaving this morning?" I asked, halfway surprised they were still here.

Nina nodded. "They've already packed up. As soon as they eat, they're starting their trip back."

They'd be gone by the time I woke up from my morning nap, which I was glad for since I still wasn't sure what to do with that letter. I hadn't tossed it out yet, but I didn't plan on keeping it.

Luke and John finally made their delayed appearance and brought their breakfast over to the table.

"I think this is the first time I've ever seen you late," I observed, which had Luke and John exchanging a worried look.

Jess feigned confusion in an attempt to stick up for them. "Were we supposed to be here at a certain time?"

"We usually show up around the same time so we can visit a bit before we start our day, but it isn't a rule," Nina clarified.

"I was later than usual because I asked John for a blood sample," Luke said, unusually excited. He asked Nina, "Did you check the tests in room C?"

Nina also noticed the alertness and faint glow in his eyes. "No, I just checked on the cure and the serum batches. What happened?"

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