God Bless America

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At just 15 years of age, Pulelehua possessed a captivating beauty that drew the attention of all who beheld her. She was truly a beauty, with wide cheeks and long, flowing hair that cascaded down to her waist.

But it was Pulelehua's eyes that truly set her apart in Hawaiʻi. A mesmerising golden brown, they were so very pretty, and they were what made Hawaiʻi choose her in the end. Pulelehua was destined to be Hawaiʻi's aikāne, her beloved companion who would share her life until the end of her days.

Pulelehua was of the belief that if she was going to be Hawaiʻi's beloved, then she was going to do it correctly. She followed every rule, every kapu, every custom. She was loving, caring, and tried so very hard to do everything just right.

So Hawaiʻi didn't know what to do with her. She knew she was expected to take a man as her lover first, but she couldn't, couldn't dream of it, not now. Perhaps later. She was told to pick who stood out to her, and out of the available options, it was one of the two girls there.

Hawaiʻi didn't like the way Pulelehua looked sad all the time, incomplete. She was just... trapped, and by what? Hawaiʻi? That was no life for her.

Pulelehua seemed to notice Hawaiʻi's thoughts and sat next to her, leaning on her shoulder. She was always so physically affectionate, and while it made Hawaiʻi's heart soar, it also made it sore. "My Akua ʻĀina, are you alright?"

Hawaiʻi sighed, "Pulelehua, are you happy?"

"Of course I am," Pulelehua said, laughing. "I am with you."

"But you don't even know me. I don't even know you." Hawaiʻi said. "I just... This is odd for me."

"Oh... Are you displeased with me?" Pulelehua said, her eyes widening. "I... I am sorry I am not up to your standards, Hawaiʻi Nei. I promise I can be better."

"No, no, it's not about being better. You're amazing. I just... I don't know if I'm... I am so confused, alright?" Hawaiʻi sighed, looking away.

"Are you going to send me away early?" The girl asked, her voice trembling a little along with her fingers. "Before we do anything?"

"Pule... look at me, please. In the face. You have no need to avert your eyes from me."


"Pule. It is alright." Hawaiʻi said, smiling. "Here. As your Hawaiʻi, as your aikāne, I vow that I will not send you away until you so ask of me to do so."

Pulelehua didn't answer, keeping her eyes averted. Maybe it would be better if this flag wasn't on Hawaiʻi's face if she was more human. Yes, that would be much better.

Hawaiʻi sat, closed her eyes, and let the pin-pricking sensation of letting her flag go away completely cover her, and she sighed a little, smiling. When she opened her eyes, Pulelehua had her face to the floor, covering her eyes and whispering prayers over and over again. "Pule, are you alright?"

"Please, please don't. I have not done everything I was supposed to have done! I... I was born to do this, I was taught to do this correctly, and I can't... I'm confused, and I'm so scared... Please don't hurt me." Pulelehua covered her head, trying to be unseen and, as such, less likely to be hurt.

"I know you were told you had to love me; that was your job. But... if you don't, that's alright. Can I be your friend anyway?" Hawaiʻi said quietly, "Can I let myself love you like that?"

"I..." Pulelehua looked at Hawaiʻi with widened eyes. "I think you can."

"Alright. You're a wonderful person, a wonderful friend, Pule." Hawaiʻi said, placing her hand on Pulelehua's. "Happy?"

Where Mountain Meets Sea: HAWAII'S STORY (1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora