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Elle waved to the group as she jumped into the marsh, completely submerged in the murky water.

She held the timer in her hand as she swam down. The water got darker as she swam towards the wreck, causing her to squint as she swam.

Once she felt the edge of the Grady-White, she opened her eyes fully again, allowing herself to catch a glimpse of the expensive piece of junk that lay at the bottom. The girl swam around the inside, opening cabinets and climbing under the top of the boat as she kept a close eye on the timer that was set in her hands.

Unfortunately, just above the water was where the trouble was arising. Sirens blared, causing the rest of the Pogues to quickly turn their heads towards the unannounced noise.

"Shit!" Pope said, quickly getting up from his relaxed position in the chair. "JJ."

JJ squinted at the boat coming their way. "Guys, that's the police."

"Oh, you gotta' be kidding me."

The blonde boy adjusted the hat that sat on his forehead, just enough so it covered his eyes. "Yep, that's the police."

Kie flipped her hair back as she leaned against her arms, trying to stay calm. "Just act frickin' normal."

The boat pulled up next to the Pogues, as the teens shifted in their spots uncomfortably.

"Evening, officers." Pope said, nodding his head as a gesture .

Shoupe pulled up closer and inspected the group silently. "Evening."

Under the murky lair of water that separated the chaos above from the calm below, Elle inspected what looked like a door on the side of the boat.

She quickly took the cover off, revealing a black, waterproof, bag. She quickly grabbed it as her eyes grew wide, excited to show her discovery to her friends above.

"Where's that girl you always hang with?" Shoupe asked, suspiciously looking around the group. "She here?"

Pope exchanged a worried glance with JJ before speaking up, trying not to trip on his words. "She's working."

The group nodded in agreement as they anxiously looked at Shoupe. All silently agreeing that Elle would be running out of air soon.

"Hm." The officer said, looking at the boat. "I'm gonna check your little boat out."

JJ quickly hopped up from his seat, gesturing towards the boat as Shoupe hopped in. "Yeah, go ahead."

Underneath, Elle made her way up the rope to the yellow t-shirt that was tied into a knot. Although, when the girl looked up and saw a second boat, she knew something was wrong.

She quickly checked the timer, growing more anxious as the seconds passed. 1:14..1:13..1:12..

On the boat above, the group of teens quickly showed the officer around the boat. They showed him random things that they had laying around, trying to distract from their friend that was could die from being down there too long.

Elle watched above as the boat stayed in place. Not leaving or moving. As the time ran out quicker, she clutched onto the necklace that sat on her neck. She found comfort in knowing that her friend above had the same one. She rubbed it, feeling the edge of the tooth against her fingertips. 41 seconds, 40 seconds, 39 seconds...

Unluckily, Shoupe climbed to the front of the boat, sliding his sunglasses on and peering down at the water. The sunset hit the water just right. Just enough so that the gleam wouldn't allow you to see a person that hid in the water.

𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐃𝐄 , 𝐣. 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 ⁽¹⁾Where stories live. Discover now