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Elle sat on the counter at Heyward's. Her hands ran through her hair as she listened to her friends arguing about the fight at movie night.

"Don't let it get in your head. Three of them and two of us." JJ said as Pope walked by, restocking a box behind the counter. "That's typical Kook shit right there."

Kie shifted in her seat. "Hell, yeah."

The group decided they weren't aloud to talk about what happened to Elle. Well, I mean, they could talk about it...but they couldn't talk about who did it.

JJ and Elle hadn't really spoken much since the incident. JJ assumed it was because of well, the thing that goes unspoken, but Elle knew it was another reason.

She knew he loved her, and she couldn't let that slip.

As the three Pogue's continued speaking about the other night, Elle kicked her legs back and forth, avoiding the conversation. She didn't want to talk about the fight, or Rafe, or even the punch. She just wanted to leave it in the past.

"Hey, Pope," Heyward started, walking in on the group. ",Someone's here to see you." He pointed back at Shoupe, who walked into the store.

He stopped as Pope's eyes went wide. "Evening, officer" mumbled the boy.

Elle hopped off of the counter and stood beside JJ, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew what this was about, and she didn't like it.

"I have an arrest warrant for felony destruction of property." Shoupe said coldly, not acknowledging the young boy's greetings.

Heyward glanced at the group, obviously confused as to what Pope did wrong. Elle avoided eye-contact with Heyward, not wanting to face the confrontation.

"Keep your hands on the counter where I can see them." The officer said as he grabbed Pope's arms. He held them behind his back as he put the cuffs on.

Shoupe shoved Elle and Kie out of the way, acting as if they weren't there. That exchange caused the girls to get more angry then they already were.

"You're gonna just arrest him?" Kiara huffed, outraged by the action. "You have no proof!"

Elle ran her hand through her hair as she stepped closer to Pope, ignoring Shoupe's warnings. "You can't just arrest him!" She croaked. Maybe it was because he was her friend, or maybe it was because she felt guilty, but her blood boiled at the sight of him getting taken away. "Shoupe let him go!"

Heyward leaned while he glared over at the officer arresting his son. "Shoupe, what'd he do? You're just gonna' arrest my boy?"

Commotion continued getting louder as everyone in the shop argued. Elle stood, frozen at the thought that, that could happen to any of them. To JJ, Pope, and Her for sinking Topper's boat.

JJ quickly grabbed her hand as the arguments moved outside. She hadn't even realized that he did that until they were in-front of the shop.

Once she noticed, she quickly dropped his hand. She didn't want to get mixed up in that shit right now.

The two girls continued to yell at Shoupe, until Elle noticed how quiet JJ was. She turned to face him as Pope was about to get handled into the police car.

She could tell that JJ was trying to think of something. Typically, that's a bad sign, so she started to speak, right before getting cut off by the blonde.

"It wasn't him!" JJ yelled, causing everyone to turn and stare. "It was me." He pointed to himself as he walked closer to Pope.

Elle stood in shock, completely distraught by what JJ was saying. "JJ, please don't."

It wasn't that she didn't want Pope free. Of course she did. It was Luke Maybank that she was worried about. Part of her knew that if JJ got locked up, then bailed out, Luke would definitely not take it well.

May 16, 2015

Elle sat on the curb as a 12 year old JJ, spray painted on the building behind them.

The girl held her head down as she listened to the sounds of the paint hitting the wall. Her friend was currently vandalizing the side of their school because she had gotten a detention for talking.

Young Elle, obviously, tried to stop JJ, but after a long argument, he didn't give up.

"Dude, they gave you a detention for nothing." JJ tried justifying. "The school deserves it."

She nodded in defeat, realizing that no matter what she said, he'd probably still do it anyways.

And here they were, sitting behind the school as JJ wrote "P4L" on the side of the brick building. All was fine and dandy until an officer showed up out of no where, completely ready to speak firmly to the two kids.

"Hey, what's goin' on here?" The man asked, moving his sunglasses from his face to the top of his head. "'P4L' what's that?"

JJ jumped back as Elle looked up, her eyes wide as she realized how much trouble she was about to get in.

A slap from Lorelai hurt, obviously, but she wasn't only worried for herself. She was worried for JJ.

Ever since his mom died, his dad had started taking his frustrations out on JJ. He hadn't exactly told her about it, until she saw more bruises on him, and she put the pieces together.

"Hi, Mr. Officer sir." Elle started as she stood, her hands behind her back. "We were just about to leave."

The man tilted his head as JJ threw the paint from behind his back. "So, obviously, i'm gonna have to drive you both to the station. This is a crime."

Elle's face started getting hot when JJ suddenly stepped forward, putting his hands out. "She didn't have anything to do with it, dude. It was all me."

The girl stood in shock, ready to protest before JJ glared at her. "Don't worry." He mouthed, the cop grabbing his arm. "Pay me back later."

She laughed lightly as JJ got put into the officer's car. They drove away suddenly, leaving her all alone.

The next day, JJ showed up at her front door. His arms had new bruises and his lip was bloody. She let him into the home, obviously, and they played video games all day, trying to cheer him up.


Her ears rang as she watched JJ get put into the car. She could barley focus on what was happening as the past flashed in her mind. She knew what Luke would do.

She knew it.

The car started driving away as everyone stood in shock.

Elle went straight home after that.



guys...we are finally on the Midsummer's episode. WHO'S EXCITED.!!!!!!!!!!

lots of drama to come, get ready.

that flashback makes me so sad.

anyways, xoxo ,

𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐃𝐄 , 𝐣. 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 ⁽¹⁾Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang