Chapter 19 - End

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In a few days Alistair will see that Layla's eyes are not as empty.

In a week she will respond when he puts a hand on her head. It's miniscule, and he has to pay close attention lest he make a mistake. A lean in for acceptance, shying away for rejection.

In a month she will accept food again. Hesitant at first, only having the courage to ask six months later.

He reads to her every day. Even though she starts to speak again a year later, Layla never shows interest in learning new words. Alistair never pushes.

A box of crayons lay untouched by sheets of paper.

In two years she'll learn to take happiness from the everyday moments. Eventually she'll forget to yearn for freedom.

For the rest of her life Layla holds onto the fear that if she's separated from her koala she'll break. She takes it everywhere. She fights on the rare occasions that her owner must take it and clean it. She sits in front of the washing machine and cries when beckoned away.

She knows it's unhealthy. She doesn't care.

One day she will learn to enjoy the feeling of the sun on her skin. Ignoring that it's not the one she was born under. She has no choice.

Alistair will care for his pet. Learn through her subtle mood shifts what she likes and dislikes. Learns that while his pet doesn't ever go back to her curious self, she's happy enough. He'll just have to accept that.

Maybe in a thousand years they will realize they were wrong. Maybe there will be debates on the rights of humans, mass riots and arrests. Talks of what to do with the numerous humans who have never known their home planet, forgotten the language, who know nothing more than how to take commands.

Or maybe they'll quietly leave Earth alone and content themselves with the pets they have.

For now another human is being tracked, ready to be darted and shipped to be sold.

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