Chapter 4

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I was barely holding back my tears. I had been forced to walk around that store naked, restrained as a damn collar was put around my neck, and driven home in a car seat. And I could get over that, considering at least here only Alistair would see me like this.

But when he tried to name me I couldn't hold it back any longer.

There were worst names to be given by far. I didn't hate it, although I didn't want it either. But I was not budging on this. My name was all I had right now.

And he's talking again.


"No! Layla! No Cora!" I pray that I'm saying what I think I'm saying as I point to myself, tears making my vision slightly blurry. "Layla..."

I can see the shock on his face. Maybe if his kind wasn't the cause of my distress, I'd accept the fact that he also had concern in his eyes.

I practically fall to my knees. I just couldn't stand anymore. I was so tired. My life had been handed over to this stranger. I didn't even know if he was a kind giant like I was hoping. Weakly, I shove at his hands when they draw near. No. I need you to understand.

He doesn't persist, hands hovering as if to catch me if I fall over. I don't give him a chance to respond. I clasp my hands together, watching his eyes widen.

"Alistair. Layla. Please. No Cora."

My voice quivers. As my body trembles, I see him tap what looks like a smart watch on his wrist. And when he stands and walks away, I slump.

At long last my tears fall.


I couldn't do it. I just couldn't. Not when she was so obviously pleading with me to let her keep her name. Not when I can hear her trying to muffle her sobs.

A holographic screen projects from my watch. With a newfound intent I move it up to eye level and type.

'Letting my human keep their name.'

I hadn't expected her to pick up on our language so quickly. That had certainly shocked me out of my original plan, which was to repeat her new name until she finally caved.

I had expected her to lash out, not plead and break down crying.

My search brings up a few forums. Most of the results are no help. Littered with 'they'll eventually get it' and hogwash teachings about being the dominant figure. If one were to actually do their research, they would know that those papers are the results of careless people pushing their humans around.

I almost give up. But the sound of my human sniffling pushes me forward.

Eventually, I find what I'm looking for. A blogpost about a woman and her human. As I read on, I feel more at ease.

'...When I first got my human, I had been planning to name him Turlock. It was a name I had in mind for years. But the moment I tried to teach him his new name, the smiling little human I had fallen in love with at the pet store suddenly got timid. He seemed to shy away from me.

'You see, up until now he had been clingy. He was tame at the pet store and even let me hug him. But now he looked like he just wanted me gone. Even when I called for him to eat lunch, he didn't come until I was grabbing his hand and pulling him along.

'I noticed that he didn't seem very responsive. Or active, for that matter. He wasn't eating at all.

'I'm sad to say that it took me a few days to realize what had gone wrong. And even then, I was only trying to test something. I stood in front of him huddled on the couch and said his human name.

'I will never forget the way he gasped. Or how his eyes lit up and he looked at me with all this shock and hope. And I didn't have the heart to shatter that happy look in his eyes.

'There hasn't been a single day where I regret my decision The more I used it, the more active he became, the more he wanted to learn and be around me. Letting Rory keep his name was one of the best decisions I ever made.'

The rest of the post was about the positive effects that came from this. She was right, wasn't she It wasn't really a big deal. My human would always resent me for changing her name if I forced it.

I decide to make dinner in order to let Cor-... Layla... calm down a bit more.

Layla... That was a pretty name. It was found out recently that humans named their offspring in the wild. They had their own languages, too, though it was a hassle to try to learn all of them. And besides, she wouldn't need it anymore.

It was also found out that humans did, in fact, feel pain. Anyone with a brain would know that, but it seemed that solid proof was needed. That being said, people were still stubborn, and old practices were still in place.

I swear, the more we learn about humans the more people seem to act like idiots.

The beeping of the washer interrupts my tangent. I make sure that all the stovetops are off before heading to put Layla's stuff in the dryer. I pretend not to notice how she tries to quiet her sobs when I pass by

It takes a bit to cook dinner, and when I'm done Layla's clothes are all dry. Should... Should I give her a bath before I put these on? I don't want to stress her out even more. But I just cleaned these....

With a sigh I walk over, trying to ignore how she cringes away from me as I kneel.


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