10. Your Honor, the Kneecaps Theif

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 Henry's popularity seemed to spike in the next few weeks, and rumors began floating around the wizarding community like flies. Most were, as expected, less than truthful, implying various ridiculous theories, although his favorite was the one that told of him being the reincarnation of some ancient dark wizard who took joy in robbing people of their kneecaps. That one, in particular, had him clutching his stomach and almost crying with laughter.

 The gossip only grew in frequency when, on the third of April, on a windy day, the man was seen amongst a party comprising former convict Sirius Black, his werewolf companion Remus Lupin and a very frantic Peter Pettigrew, who appeared to have been shackled and stripped of his wand. The rat-like man looked pale and disheveled as he was escorted by the three into the very core of the ministry of magic, and presented to a party consisting of very influential people, including the Minister of Magic, the Head of the Auror Department, and a very annoyed and surprised Dumbledore.

It had been fairly simple to bribe the twins into stealing their big brother's rat and presenting it to Henry, and when they learned of its true identity, they were even more eager to be of help. Yet, with all their enthusiasm, Henry forbade them from even going near the man, even after petrifying and placing various binding charms on him. Instead, he allowed them to keep little Hannah company while he called the traitor's two former friends, and after that, he sent them back home with the promise to let them join him and his daughter on a trip to the park later.

A sour look flashed in the wizard's eyes as he recalled how eager Molly Weasely had been to allow the boys to return, no doubt, planning to use this connection to the lord to elevate her own status. Nevertheless, he enjoyed the two's company just as much as the little girl and always made sure to spoil the boys and shower them with attention whenever they came over because he knew how little time their parents actually made for them. He was even planning on helping them with their inventions and was beyond happy when he noticed Hannah, Fred, and George playing around in the backyard after an intense session of scheming in their newly dubbed 'secret hideout', an impressive fort of pillows they had built in the main living room.

Jolting out of his reverie the man's cold green eyes returned to the large chamber in which Pettigrew's trial was being held. He stifled a yawn, slightly adjusting his position in the chair he had been given. While he was there as a witness, after the competition of his testimony the whole ordeal began to bore him to no end and this was not at all aided by the fact that the Ministry of Magic appeared to be deliberately moving at the pace of a snail, dragging out the process even further.

Henry had certainly made an impression on everyone present, both due to his newly gained fame and character. He had maintained an ice-cold facade, typical of a true pureblood lord, and answered all the questions with no hesitation, although, unknown to anyone but his, despite the effects of the Veritaseum potion he had been administered beforehand, the wizard expertly slithered around the truth. 

His testimony resumed to him having a strong suspicion when the wards around his home had been breached by an unknown person and while investigating having found that the pet one of his guests had brought with them during a meeting was, in fact, a disguised animagus and upon discovering the rat's identity he had, in his frantic state, simply taken him, as to ensure no harm was brought upon the family.

The reborn wizard had managed to shift the truth of the matter as to paint the whole thing as a mere coincidence of a man being inside the wrong wards at the wrong time, and due to Pettingrew's own confession matching his story, every shadow of doubt was removed. In the eyes of the witches and wizards currently present at the trial, Lord Peverell was a just and helping, if not vigilant man, and he had just brought a criminal to justice, finally removing all suspicion from Sirius Black, also a pureblood lord himself, in an act of solidarity to the wizarding community.

Or, at least, that's how Rita Seeker saw it.

Henry allowed a sigh of contempt to escape his lips. The reporter was much nicer since he was the one who paid her wages, he mulled to himself a few hours after the trial had ended, with a cup of hibiscus tea and a new exemplar of the morning paper.

The trial had lasted into the night, much to his irritation, thus he had been forced to use the five-minute break they had been allowed to quickly apparate to and from Peverell Mansion, as little Hannah adamantly refused to be tucked into bed by anyone other than him. By the time the verdict had been given the sun was peeking over the horizon and Henry's back was sore and stiff.

Inside the safety of his mind, he had cursed up a storm about the magical legal system and their efficiency, or rather lack thereof, whenever it concerned a matter of importance. 

On the bright side, though, this little escapade acted in his favor, serving to build up his image and good name amongst highly influential circles. On the downside, Henry had had to spend multiple hours with a very suspicious Dumbledore drilling holes into his head, probably annoyed by the lack of eye contact between them, thus an inability to have a go at his mental barrier and worm his way into the wizard's mind. He could practically feel the old coot seething at the disturbance caused by this new player entering his game and suppressed a shark-like grin. He was sure to cause the manipulative bastard as much grief behind the scenes, while still trying to remain somewhat out of the public's eyes so that Hannah's existence would remain secret. While the little which was not ready to deliver to Dumbledore the hell he deserved, Henry was sure that a bit of influence from both him and the twins would get her on the correct path, although until the time was right she would remain safely under his wing, enjoying her childhood as much as she should without the pressure of society's expectations and her title weighing her down.

 Hannah would be a happy child. Henry would right the wrongs and uncover Dumbledore's schemes and manipulation all in due time. As long as the senile bastard got what was coming to him, the Master of Death did not mind playing the waiting game, for he was a very, very patient man.

Dumbledore better beware, for Henry was coming for his kneecaps.

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