11. Jesus kid, you need a hug!

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 George was...puzzled, to say the least, Fred was a mix of horrified and proud, Hannah was on the verge of fainting due to lack of oxygen, and Henry....well...he was pink. Very pink. With sparkles too.

He took a deep breath, contemplating for the forty-sixth time why he was doing this. Then he glanced at Hannah and sighed again, as warmth bloomed in his chest. Yeah, he remembered now. 

"I don't know if I should be confused or awed at the fact you three managed to turn Polypojuice into pink glitter bomb material." The man huffed in amusement, already mourning the fate of his poor beautiful hair. With a flicker of his wand, the pink atrocity was gone from the room and himself, yet traces of glitter still remained in his hair. And if it made him look utterly fabulous, no one commented on it.

He kneeled down and began rubbing circles on the little witch's back in an attempt to calm her laughing fit. He enjoyed seeing her happy, but the shade of blue that had begun showing on her face worried him greatly.

"That...was... awesome!" She wheezed out in between coughs a few moments later with undisguised amusement. Using her father's bicep as support, the girl lifted herself up from the ground, dashing over to the cauldron to poke at the remains of her potion with a long wooden spoon.

The twins joined her, although none of the three were actually tall enough to reach past the edge of the cauldron, standing of their tippy-ties and peaking into the pink swirls that had been their work. It was still a mystery how they had managed to turn the Polypojuice into...whatever this was. Nevertheless, Henry allowed a mirthful chuckle to bounce off the walls of his Potions-Room-turned-Prank-Laboratory and lifted the boys up by magic, settling all three kids on a transfigured circle stool.

After cleaning up the remaining ingredients and tools he approached the children, lowering himself on one knee so that he could be at their eye level. He ruffled their hair gently, before ushering them out of the lab and locking the door behind him.

"Uncle Henry, wasn't that the best Polpojuice you've ever seen?" Fred asked cheekily, before suddenly adopting a more serious air. The wizard watched this happen with a tinge of worry. Had something happened? Slowing down as to be out of ear reach from his brother and friend, Fred looked up at Henry with his big brown eyes and a complicated expression.

Before he could ask what was wrong, the child spoke again, this time much softer and more nervous, if the tremors in his voice were anything to go by. "You didn't really have to play with us? You know that the only reason mom even sends us here is to try a get closer to you." It wasn't an accusation, merely a statement, but he could not stop the bitterness from seeping into his voice. The man stopped and crouched beside him, engulfing the child into a comforting hug.

"I know", he admitted quietly, "but I can't say I care. Fred, do you and your brother like coming here? Do you like spending time with Hannah?"

He received a nod in response. "I like to spend time with you too. But every time George and I come over we pull pranks, disturb you from your work, or mess with your things. You always have to clean up after us. Yet you never get angry or yell at us..." The boy trailed off looking to the side, not wanting to meet the older one's eyes.

He was ashamed, Henry realized, anger boiling in his veins. He was ashamed of being a kid, of doing things kids should do. His anger only grew as he felt his shoulder become damp with Fred's tears and his arms coiled around him tighter. Gods, he hated how he couldn't wrap his- yes, his, kids in a fluffy blanket and hide them from the world sometimes.

Hannah and George had probably realized they had stopped by now, as he could hear the pitter-patter of their tiny feet growing closer. He only opened one arm and welcomed the two into the hug, momentarily forgetting all about the lunch that awaited them in the dining room, as he tried his best to soothe the crying boy with soft whispers and warm hugs.

 George began crying too, all too aware of his brother's pain, while Hannah could only do her best to help the twins with hugs, unaware of what was going on.  Although she may not have known what was the cause of their tears, she buried that thought in the back of her head and concentrated on comforting her fired. She knew would get her answers eventually when they would be ready to tell her.

When the two had finally calmed down the sun was beginning to fall lower and lower to the horizon, and Henry sent a quick message to their family, letting them know the boys would be sleeping over. It was not the first time they had done this, so the Weasely's had no problem with it.

With careful movements, the man lifted the three sleepy children and carried them to their respective beds, making sure they were all tucked in with their favorite plushies and that their nightlight was on. Then he left the room, shutting the door behind him with a sigh.

"Mopsy", he called out, making sure to lower his voice. The house-elf was quick to make an appearance. "Sorry we weren't able to come to lunch or dinner, I know you worked hard on them."

"Yous should's apologize, Master Henry, wes seen whats happened. Wes just hopes Mistress Hannah's twos friends are alright." The elf replied quickly, shaking her head to the sides, making her bat-like ears flop side to side.

"Thank you. I'm going to bed now, please keep an eye on the children. If anything happens wake me, even if it's just a nightmare." With that, Henry headed to his own bedroom, popping his back loudly, causing a few choice words to slip past his lips.

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