17 | Canary Cry

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Chapter Seventeen
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┌───── · ° ➶ ✧ ➶ ° · ─────┐Chapter SeventeenCANARY CRY └───── · ° ➶ ✧ ➶ ° · ─────┘

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We randomly choose a path and take it, having no idea what number we're headed for. When we reach the jungle we peer into it, trying to decipher what may be waiting inside.

"Well, it must be monkey hour. And I don't see any of them in there," says Peeta. "I'm going to try to tap a tree."

"No, it's my turn," says Finnick.

"I'll at least watch your back," Peeta says.

"Ember and Katniss can do that," says Johanna. "We need you to make another map. The other one washed away." She yanks a large leaf off a tree and hands it to him.

I see Katniss hesitate for a moment, probably trying to decide if we are trying to split them up to kill them but she follows after Finnick and I do the same. Finnick is about fifteen yards into the jungle, where he finds a good tree and starts stabbing to make a hole with his knife.

As I stand there, weapons ready, I can't keep my mind from returning to Nolan. He was one of the last remaining members of my family. He wasn't actually blood-related but that didn't change anything. I replay the events of the Cornucopia in my mind. Finnick blocking the spear that Brutus threw to save Peeta and then Enobaria throwing a knife at Peeta and Nolan shoving Peeta out of the way and taking the knife. I should have done something. I should have been the one to save Peeta because at least then Nolan would still be alive. I feel the tears start to form in my eyes and I know that I'm not good at standing guard while I'm in tears so I shove the emotion deep down.

"Katniss, got that spile?" Finnick asks, snapping me back to reality. I watch as Katniss cuts the vine that ties the spile to her belt and holds the metal tube out to him.

That's when I hear the scream. So full of fear and pain it ices my blood. Katniss seems to know instantly who it belongs to as she drops the spile and takes off into the jungle. I glance over at Finnick as he stands up from the tree and we run after her.

We run for what seems like minutes before he finds Katniss in the clearing staring up at the trees and then wiping her arrow clean with some moss. "Katniss?" I call out.

"It's okay. I'm okay," she says. "I thought I heard my sister but —" The piercing shriek cuts her off. It's another voice, a young woman's. I recognize it because I've hung out with her when I'm with Finnick. Annie. I see the color vanish from Finnick's face and I actually see the pupils dilate in fear. "Finnick, wait!" Katniss says, reaching out to reassure him, but he's bolted away. I chase after him, knowing that he is fearing for his friend's safety.

It's no effort to track him, even though he's moving so fast since he leaves a clear, trampled path in his wake. But the bird is at least a quarter-mile, most of it uphill, and by the time I reach him, I'm winded. He's circling around a giant tree. The trunk must be four feet in diameter and the limbs don't even begin until twenty feet up. The woman's shrieks emanate from somewhere in the foliage. Finnick's screaming as well, over and over. "Annie! Annie!" He's in a state of panic and completely unreachable.

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