Chapter 12 - Friendship or love?

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Charlotte's POV

"Do you really think I will believe you after all these things?" Nicole mocked, shaking her head. "I confessed to you how much I loved Lucca while you two..." She shook her head in disappointment and ruffled her hair angrily. "Why did you help me then if it wasn't for covering your affair? Because you got back with my brother?! So you tried to clean your mess and use me to get rid of Lucca?!" She shouted as tears shimmered in her eyes.

"Nicole, please. Don't talk nonsense! I never tried to mock or fool you. I didn't play matchmaker. You asked my help and insisted despite the fact I told you I didn't want to intervene. I helped you to look sexier, nothing more. And when Lucca found out it was me who helped you to get ready, he got angry and accused me of playing a matchmaker. However, I explained it to him, telling him the same things which I have told you. You know very well I refused to help you a few times, but you insisted." I breathed deeply.

She gave me a fake smile. "Let's see what my brother will say about your affair with his best friend."

"Nicole, no." I grabbed her arm, stopping her when she wanted to leave. "Please don't tell Nathan. It will affect their friendship badly and create unnecessary tension." I gave her a begging look.

"Your lover should have thought about it before sleeping with you." She stated sarcastically and gave me a disgusted look.

I breathed deeply, trying to calm down, and stated firmly. "Nicole, I know you are angry at me, but I didn't do anything wrong. And when Lucca and  I...did it, I didn't even know you liked him. Moreover, when it happened Nathan and I weren't dating. Lucca and I were single."

"Then let Nathan decide it. He should know that his best friend and girlfriend had a lot of fun in Italy." She gave me a devilish smirk and stormed out.


I heaved a loud sigh and sat down on the couch. I closed my eyes and held my head in my hands.

I should inform Lucca. Then talk to Nathan and tell him about it myself. 

I grabbed my phone and checked the time. Nathan's jet was going to land in an hour. They were planning to build a new hotel in Dubai. So his father, Ethan, sent him there. I had to talk to him before Nicole.

I sent a message to Lucca, informing him about Nicole's plan. Then I poured a glass of red wine for myself and sipped it while thinking how I would tell Nathan about it. Even if I knew I didn't do anything bad, I still felt nervous.

I nibbled my lower lip while waiting for Nathan to pick up the phone, but he declined it again. His jet must have landed two hours ago.

I felt nervous; could Nicole talk to him as soon as he arrived? I breathed deeply and ruffled my hair.

After finishing my wine, I called Nathan one more time, but he didn't pick up again. I gritted my teeth in annoyance and threw my phone onto the couch. I had been trying to reach him for the last few hours. I stood up barely as I decided to go to see Nathan. He was probably at Stardust.

As soon as I arrived at the nightclub, I looked for Nathan, but he was nowhere to be seen. Then I walked towards the bar counter as I saw Rick.

After greeting him, I asked if he saw Nathan; he told me he hadn't seen him the last two days because he was abroad and mentioned that he heard from the other employees that he was planning to come to the nightclub tonight.

I decided to wait for Nathan here and ordered a glass of vodka.

I rubbed my eyes, leaning against the counter, and tried to keep my eyes open. It had been two hours since I arrived. Nathan hadn't still come.

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