Chapter 55 - Mr & Mrs

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Charlotte's POV

"Oh, he is here." I said happily as I saw Alex entering the venue. "I will be back." I added and went towards my groom in quick steps as I noticed that he was angry.

"Is everything okay?" I asked nervously as soon as I approached him.

"Yes, don't worry." He gave me a slight smile, wrapping his arms around my waist, and placed a tender kiss on my lips.

"You look angry." I commented, unconvinced.

"There was some problem in front of the hotel, but I handled it." He replied, cupping my cheek, and kissed my forehead.

"Well... When will you dance Zeibekiko? You promised." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Otherwise, you know what will happen." I added mischievously and winked at him.

He chuckled in amusement. "I will. I am a man of my word, koukla mou. And you can't run away from me. You are trapped with me forever." He said huskily and brushed his lips against mine, kissing me passionately, pressing me against his body.


As we reached our wedding night suite, Alex scooped me up in his arms bridal style and carried me into the room.

He put me down carefully in the bedroom and took off his jacket. Then he approached the champagne bucket on the table.

The bed was covered with red rose petals. There were a lot of heart shaped candles in the suite, creating a romantic ambiance.

Alex gave me a warm smile as he approached me, holding two glasses of champagne.

"Thank you." I smiled happily as I grabbed one of the glasses.

"To us, koukla mou."

"To us." I beamed at him, clinking our glasses, and took a few sips from my champagne.

"So... Wifey..." He took my glass and placed our glasses on the table. Then he wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling me towards him.

"Yes, hubby?" I grinned mischievously, resting my hands on his chest.

"I want to kiss my wife here..." He said huskily and placed a soft kiss on my lips. "Then here..." He kissed my neck. "Here too..." He added and planted a kiss between my breasts.

"Hmm... Then?" I asked seductively and bit my lower lip provocatively.

"I will take off your beautiful gown... Carry you to the bed... And make love to you till you beg me to stop." He replied hoarsely, his gaze dark with desire while running his fingertip from my neck to my cleavage and vice versa, sending shivers down my spine.

"Hmm... Sounds interesting." I grinned mischievously.

"Oh... You have no idea." He commented huskily and bit his lower lip seductively.

"Show me." I winked at him playfully.

He smirked devilishly and leaned towards me. Then Alex placed butterfly kisses on my neck and started unzipping my dress. Meanwhile, I started unbuttoning his shirt impatiently, craving for my gorgeous husband, and took off his shirt. Later, I started traveling my hand along his hard chest while my man was kissing, biting my neck.

After getting rid of my wedding gown, he scooped me up in his arms and carried me towards the bed, kissing my lips passionately.

As soon as Alexis placed me on the bed, he took  off his pants and joined me. I caressed his back while we were kissing feverishly. I moaned into his mouth as his fingers found my intimacy, pushing my white lace panties to the side.

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