Top and Tail : FAQ

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I get a lotta messages asking similar things, so I reckoned I'd just clear them all up in this. Apologies to those of you who thought that this was an additional part, but hey, can't be helped. I'm writing a wee (well, wee-ish) story for the beautiful PandaGutsxo, who is generally just fucking awesome. :D Also, possible spoilers, so consider yourself warned.

If you don't see your question listed, please scroll through the comments. Chances are, it's already been answered.

2021: so we're coming up for the 10 year anniversary (!!) of Top and Tail and I have a question for my lovely readers! If I wrote a oneshot short story about Ash and Jay, what would like to see? A post-canon 10 years later fic? A missing scene from the story? More of Lee and Lewis? Drop your suggestions in the comments please 🥰

Q: Is there a sequel?

A: Nah. The ending was one of the first things I planned out, and I like the openness of it. Ash learned and grew in all the ways I intended him to, and I have nothing more to add. Tacking on a bit at the end feels like it would cheapen it somehow. I do have lots of bits and bobs of their lives cluttering up my head, but nothing which would constitute a story with any semblance of a plot or timeline.

Q: What's top and tail mean?

A: Two folk sharing a bed, one with their head at each end. Like, Ash would sleep with a pillow up at one end of the bed, while Jay would sleep with a pillow down the other, next to Ash's feet. Rather him than me, eh.

Q: Why do you think [insert something Ash said here]?

A: Ash's views are part of the plot and were never meant to be representative of my own perspective. They are purely there to develop his character and drive the plot forward. Like most of my fictional protagonists, we agree on some things and disagree on others. It's more fun to write characters with their own distinct personality and perspective :)

Q: Are you/Ash and Jay English?

A: Nope. I am/the characters are Scottish. We're the slightly colder/wetter/awesomer country to the north of England. We're part of the UK at the moment, still live under a monarchy, and still drink an absurd amount of tea, but we have our own education system, shops, money (still pounds, but our notes are different colours :D), and slang/language. We have strong accents, which vary from region to region. Me, Ash and Jay all speak with a Glaswegian twang.

Still, this version of Scotland is kinda a fusion of Glasgow and America, if I'm honest. Since over half my readers are from North America, I thought that it'd be a good idea to kinda mix the two together so as to still appeal to American audiences and stuff. I mean, the whole parents coming to watch the track and cheerleaders and stuff? Never woulda happened up here! ^^;

Q: Is there a sex scene/why is there no sex scene?

A: Because I didn't fucking want one.

Also, I was fourteen when I wrote Top and Tail. Stop asking children to write you porn, I don't know how else to say this.

edit 19/01/14: please stop asking me about this. you literally have the entire internet at your disposal. go google boys touching weenies or something.

Q: I thought LGBT marriage was legal in the UK?

A: It is as of 2013! But Top and Tail was written back in 2011, two years before it was made law.

Q: Do Ash and Jay go to a private school?

A: No, in Scotland the state funds religious schools too. Ash and Jay just go to a normal state school, but since they're at a Catholic school then they also go to mass and have to take classes on Catholicism. Everything else is the same though.

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